Page 13 of Love By the Bay

What the actual fuck?

Chapter 10


Waiting for TeacherGal’s reply is killing me, but the magnificent sunrise warming my face helps a little. I ease down into the chair on my balcony and swing my bare feet onto the railing, resting my phone on my abs, letting my eyes slip shut. I haven’t pulled an all-nighter talking to a woman since college, but instead of feeling exhausted, I’m exhilarated. If TeacherGal tells me she wants to meet right this second, I’ll happily pull on my sneakers and a shirt and drive to wherever she is.

But the longer I wait for her reply, the more uncertain I become. I really like her but I think I might have taken it too far. What if I’ve scared her off with the video? I was just so turned on by her I wanted to share it.

A gentle knocking on my front door makes me jolt in my chair. Shit, I must have dozed off for a second. I listen again to make sure I heard correctly, and yes, there’s definitely someone knocking on my door at the crack of dawn. Who the hell could that be?

Rising quickly, I pad to the door and pull it open. Jess stands before me; her thick dark hair dishevelled and wild, her brown eyes wide and slightly crazy looking.

What the hell have I done now?

Before I can open my mouth and make some smart ass remark about her hair, I take in what she’s wearing—another cute sleep outfit that looks strangely familiar. A pink tank and shorts covered in cherries.

No! Holy shit, it can’t be?

We both stand there looking at each other in complete shock until Jess holds up her phone and shows me the photo I just sent to TeacherGal of my sunrise. I must look like a landed fish because all I can do is open and close my mouth as my eyes flick from the photo to her questioning gaze.

“Is this you?” she finally asks in a breathy voice that makes my dick take notice. “Are you NerdGuy?”

Her question makes my heart leap in my chest. It can’t be her. The sweet, sexy woman I’ve been talking to online can’t be the same woman who’s been busting my balls every day at work. It just can’t be. But how else does she have that picture? Unless in my post-orgasmic state I accidentally sent it to her contact instead of TeacherGal in the app.

“Damn it, Tate. Will you stop gaping at me and answer?” Her desperate plea shocks me out of my contemplation, and I swallow the dry lump in my throat.

“Do you wanna come in?” I ask in a croaky voice, suddenly very aware she’s standing on my steps in little more than underwear. “We need to talk.”

Huffing and biting her plump lower lip, Jess slowly enters my apartment, looking around warily. She only moves a few paces inside, crossing her arms over her chest in a defensive gesture I’ve become extremely familiar with.

“Jess, I …” I begin but her hand flies up in a halting motion.

“No!” she growls. “Let me speak.”

“Okay.” I lean back against my kitchen counter and fold my arms, nodding at her to continue. I feel like I’m about to get a dressing down in the principal’s office and I’m actually a little turned on at the thought.

“Was it all a joke?” she asks quietly, her large brown eyes glistening, all the fight draining out of her. “Did you know it was me? Have you just been playing with me?”

Her questions cut me to the core and I feel sick to my stomach that she’d ever think for a second that everything I shared with TeacherGal was a joke or a lie.

Carefully, I take a step toward her, reaching out to cup her face in my hands. Jesus, her skin is like silk. I graze my thumbs over her cheeks, gently tilting her face so she’s looking up at me. A single tear wets my thumb, and I can see the fear in her eyes. Her ex-husband did a real fucking number on her confidence, and I hate that she thinks I’m the same kind of guy. I need to set her straight, right fucking now.

So instead of more words, I decide action is what’s needed to make Jess understand. Slowly leaning down I press my lips tentatively to hers, feeling the hard straight line she’s pressed hers into. Her body tenses against mine and for a split second I think she’s going to pull away and slap me. But as I continue to gently caress her lips with mine, she releases a soft moan and her body relaxes against me, her fingers fluttering across my bare chest.

Not wishing to push my luck, I gently pull away and sweep the soft curtain of hair over her shoulder, gazing into her hooded eyes.

“I… I don’t understand,” Jess whispers softly. “You hate me. You make my life an absolute nightmare.”

I can’t help the throaty chuckle that escapes me. “Is that what you think?”

“Yes! You fight me at every turn, you steal my favorite coffee pods on purpose, you make noise and disturb my yoga just to fuck with me.” Her adorable confusion just adds to the feeling that I never want to let this woman go.

“I guess I’ve been a bit of an asshole,” I admit, flashing that cocky smirk I know makes her crazy. “But I honestly had no idea TeacherGal was you. It’s just a happy, very sexy coincidence.” I lean down and sweep my lips across hers again. “And just to be clear, I only mess with you at work because I’m attracted to you. I know it would be unprofessional to act on my feelings.”

Now it’s her turn to chuckle. “So you acted like one of my first graders and pulled my ponytail because you like me?”

I laugh and kiss her again. “I guess. And to be honest, I’d really like to pull your ponytail for real, but when I’m buried balls deep in your wet pussy.”