Page 70 of Trapping His Queen

An ache settled in my chest at the thought. Twelve years together suddenly seemed too short of time to enjoy each other.

What was this feeling?

Sure, she was a spitfire, but that was no reason to keep her alive. It was tradition.

Viktor couldn’t kill his mother. When the time came, he made himself look like a pussy in front of all our men. They would always remember that. It didn’t matter what he promised them now in order to get their allegiance. When I returned, they would remember it was me that had to kill his mother for him.

“Let’s get you ready for the gardens.”

I helped her up so she could make it to the bathroom by herself. I gave her some privacy but hovered nearby in case she needed me. The toilet flushed, and I heard the shower.

I had ordered some clothing for Sloane, and what I couldn’t get delivered I had Roman pick up. I chose a simple outfit from the closet and laid it on the bed. Just a cotton shirt and sweats. I only had a pair of flip-flops for shoes that she could wear. Why give her the tools she needed to run?

I chuckled at the thought. I’m not sure if she would run, but I wouldn’t take that risk. I was pretty confident in the security surrounding my home, and in the event that failed, the geography would deter the rest of the escape. We were pretty remote.

While I was enraged the last time she tried to leave, it was not lost on me how she came back and sought my protection. I had been too pissed to care at that moment, but I knew it was a sign that she saw me as more than just her abductor.

Wrapped in a towel, Sloane walked out of the bathroom with a cloud of steam trailing her. “Oh wow! Thanks!” She grabbed the clothes on the bed and took them back into the bathroom.

I scoffed. As if she needed modesty anymore. I’d seen all she offered and clearly, I liked it. Otherwise, her womb would still be empty.

“I’m ready.” She sauntered out of there like she was putting on a show for me.

I bit my lip. She shouldn’t look that sexy in just a t-shirt and joggers. Maybe we should stay inside. I didn’t want to risk someone seeing, looking so luscious in her delicate state.

Sloane was shaking her head before I could even open my mouth. “No, no, no! You said you would take me outside to feel the sun. I got out of bed for this, and now I want to. And I’ve been so good.”

Well, when she put it like that, how could I deny her? She was my…what did the Americans call it? Oh yes, baby mama. The phrase didn’t sit right with me, but I wouldn’t argue semantics with myself. Instead, I took her hand and led her to the gardens.

The sun was beating down on us and I realized how warm it was. I should’ve put Sloane in some shorts. I didn’t want her to overheat. Glancing over at her, she strolled through the gardens in delight. Good. I’d built them with her and our son in mind.

“It’s so beautiful,” her voice awed.

I looked at the plants in a new light now that I could see how much she loved them. Sloane knelt in the dirt and crushed her hands through it. Her body relaxed while she turned it over repeatedly.

She didn’t care how dirty it made her, and the more she played, the more aroused I was. Watching her was freeing. I could sit and stare for hours at her doing the smallest of tasks.

When the sun told me lunch time neared, I sighed.

“We’ve got to go back inside,malishka.”I kept my voice soft because I knew I was going to break her heart.

“Just five more minutes,” she begged.

I didn’t give in. “No, you need to eat lunch and rest. I need to work.”

As soon as I approached her, she stood. “I don’t want to go back.” She turned on her heel and took off. “You’ll have to catch me first,” she called over her shoulder.


Sighing, I gave into the need to chase her down even though I knew she wouldn’t get far. The thought of her running away from me drove me insane, even if she was only doing it in fun.

I caught up to her quickly and wrapped my arm around her to stop her flight. She kicked and screamed and laughed, struggling enough that I gently released her at my feet. I feared accidentally injuring her and my son.

To my surprise, she latched onto my shirt and pulled me down to her as she laid back in the grass. I ended up between thighs, and for the first time since I forced her to my home, she initiated true intimacy. Slone wrapped her fingers in my hair and kissed me deeply.

When I broke the kiss, I lifted my head, and she looked up at me and smiled. For a moment, I thought she loved me.

But then the darkness of soul rose as a reminder that men like me didn’t get love. The best we could get was loyalty, and even that was hard won.