Page 46 of Trapping His Queen

He waved me off. “I prefer to work with absolutes. I didn’t survive this long on maybes. Anyway, I want you safe and under my…” He bit his lip. “Guidance. You need me, and I need to know my future son is protected.”

Honestly, I probably would have said no to a date anyway, for his safety and mine. I was under the thumb of the MC.

It was my turn to smile because of the irony. I didn’t need to escape. The club would find me soon enough. They always did. And as much as the president hated me, he didn’t like having his toys stolen. If I were going to be kidnapped, raped, tortured and killed, that vindictive motherfucker would make sure it was done by his hands, and no one else’s.

He withdrew a knife from behind him, and I tried to squirm away. “No, stop—”

“Shh. I’m going to cut this tape away, and you are going to behave. Isn’t that right?”

I tried to suppress my excitement as I nodded.

“You will be a good girl and obey my every word?”

I nodded again.

His predatory smile not quite reaching his eyes. “I guess we’ll see.”

The bed sank as the huge, hulking figure that was my captor joined me on the mattress and went about freeing me. As he moved and adjusted my naked body to better suit his purposes, my skin flushed, my core tightened, and my nipples hardened. While my mind protested the situation, my body seemed to remember how amazing a lover he was. I swear I was getting off on this.

“You’ll never have to want for anything. Neither will our children.”

“How do you know I’m not on long-term birth control?” I didn’t understand why I couldn’t keep my mouth shut sometimes. I was obviously letting him draw me into his absurdity “Or that I can even have children. You know nothing about me.”

“I know everything about you.” He stroked underneath my breast with his blade. “That’s why I know you are perfect for me.”

I shook my head. “You don’t. Look, just…let’s just forget today happened. I’ll just go home—”

He placed the knife on the left side of my throat. “This is your home.”

I lifted my chin, as an act of defiance and submission. He wasn’t the first man to hold a knife to my throat, and assuming I survived this, he likely wouldn’t be the last. That was life in a MC.

What was his name again?“Alexie, I can’t stay here. We’ve just met. We don’t even know each other.”

His striking eyes narrowed. “I know you in the ways that matter, biblically speaking. But thank you for the reminder. There is a little matter of your betrayal that needs to be addressed.”


He snatched me up and dragged me to the end of the bed by my hair. The world tipped, and the room turned topsy-turvy.

Now lying on my back with my head hanging off the edge of the mattress, I should have known what was to come, especially when he used his free hand to release his erection.

“Open wide,malishka,” was the only warning I got before his large cock filled my mouth.

He used me for his pleasure like I was a blowup doll. I watched in terror, my head upside down, the slackened crotch of his pants drawing to-and-fro while he fucked my mouth. Hard. And I couldn’t breathe. Between the awkward angle, the mucus from crying, and the fabric of his trousers, there was no air to be had.

I tried to fight him with my hands, hitting him in my panic, but all that did was prompt him to capture my wrists and lean more into my face. He returned to giving me the same treatment he would a glory hole.

It occurred to me that this might be the way I die.




My littlemalishkawas terrified. And she should be. How dare she let some strange guy finger-fuck her on the dance floor?

Well, if she liked being treated like a whore, I would use her like one.