Page 14 of Trapping His Queen

“I have this girl who used to be my friend. We weren’t close, but we were amicable. But now she is in a position of power over me, and takes pride in making life worse,” she blurted. “But I have no one else. I just wish I could trust her.”

“Give me an example of how you can’t trust her.” If this woman has caused my littlemalishkatrue pain, I would cut out her innards and feed them to her.

“I shouldn’t tell you all this,” she whispered.

“You can trust me, littlemalishka,”I huskily lied, then pushed her glass deeper into her hand, encouraging her to go on.

Lifting the cup, she tipped back the glass, and I watched in fascination as her throat convulsed, gulping down the rest of her drink. My cock could burst just from that. I wished it was me jammed deep into her throat while she fluttered those dark lashes up at me, eyes glistening with tears.

With a little burp, she swayed as she slammed the glass back onto the counter. I signaled to the bartender that she needed another. But instead of jumping right into making her order, he narrowed his eyes at me.

I glared at him until he gulped and gave me what I was asking for. It wasn’t his place to tell me what to do with the sexy morsel who was on her way to being blackout drunk. She was not acting in any fashion that demanded she be cut off.

“Right, okay.” Gathering courage, she grabbed hold of the glass that the bartender slid in front of her. “I’ll tell you. Maybe a stranger’s perspective would help me figure things out.”

I shot him a look that said it better not be watered down or there’d be hell to pay. His cheeks pinked and he wouldn’t meet my eyes.

“One moment.”

I waved the bar guy closer so I could speak low to his ear. I’m sure mymalishkathought I was just giving the guy my order over the loud music, but I was actually warning him the next drink he gets her better be a double pour or else we’d be having this conversation in the alley later.

He nodded. I think he got the message.

“So, my friend…” she trailed off.

“What’s her name?” I already don’t like thissuka.


The way she sneered at the name made me think if we weren’t in public, she would’ve spit on it. I motioned for her to go on.

“See this?” She straightens her fingers out, but I noticed that the middle finger on her left hand was shaped incorrectly.

I gripped her wrist and growled, “Who the fuck did this to you?”

She raised sad eyes to mine, and I knew I was going to be even more furious by the next words that would leave her mouth.

“I have this asshole…um—boyfriend, I guess,” she whispered and looked away from me. “Megan told him she saw me at a party with someone else.” Her lips lifted, but not in a soft smile of remembrance, more like she was reliving the pain.

“What happened next?” I wanted to burn those had hurt her down to the ground then hang their charred bodies outside of her house so others knew she wasn’t the person to fuck with.

Though she admitted to having a boyfriend, that didn’t deter me in the slightest. She wasn’t with him anymore, whether she realized that yet or not.

Her breath hitched. “When I got back to the clu— I mean, my home, my dick boyfriend taught me a lesson. A few bones in my hand were broken during the punishment, and while the bones were able to mend, the damage to the tendons was too great to ever heal properly. That’s why it’s shaped like this. I’m usually good at hiding it though…” She ducked her head as she trailed off.

I motioned for the bartender to make hertwomore drinks. Hell, after that, I needed a shot as well. I should have ordered one.

Though, I was kind of glad her boyfriend was an abusive prick. Now my kidnapping would be more like a rescue. See how the universe worked? I knew she was meant for me. I’m not saying I was an angel, but as long as she behaved, I would treat my future son’s mother like the queen she was.

When the bartender brought over the order, she beamed at me like I’d just made her every wish come true. I smiled tightly. I knew about betrayal. I knew what it was like to have someone in my life want to see me fall. And I did.

I leaned over and kissed her deformed finger. “You are beautiful,malishka,and thatsukadidn’t—doesn’t deserve your friendship.”

“Do you?” she whispered.

“Do I what?” I was still hovering over her finger. Her pulse leapt beneath my powerful hold.

“Deserve my friendship.”