Page 101 of Trapping His Queen

I met his father, and I thought I would hate him, but the man had mellowed out some, according to Alexie. Maybe it was the fact his first grandchild was about to be born. Or maybe it was Tiffany being in the house, bringing a little joy and feminine light to the harsh world these dark men usually navigated.

Alexie and Viktor had mended their relationship. It was rocky at first, and full of suspicion, but now they joked in Russian. One time, I accidentally walked into the wrong room, and they were torturing a man together. I had learned my lesson. I would knock first from here on out.

“Why does your face look like that, love?” Alexie wrapped his hands around my belly, stroking it until the baby kicked.

“Get off me,” I whined. “My back hurts.”

“That just makes me want to squeeze you,malishka.”He tightened his arms until I squealed.

“My bladder! My bladder! Let go, you big bully!”

Something jostled us both, and Alexie grumbled, “What did you hit me for?”

“Put the pregnant woman down and no one gets hurt,” Tiffany chortled. “A full bladder is an accident waiting to happen when a twelve-pound baby is sitting upon it.”

I giggled. “She’s right. Put me down so I can go to the bathroom before I pee myself.”

“Just one more!” Alexie squeezed harder, which pressed on my bladder, and I accidentally started peeing all over the both of us.

“Look what you fucking did!” I wailed, humiliation burning my cheeks.

The warm fluid poured down our legs and hit the floor with a splash.


“A-alexie,” I whispered, shakily.

“I’m so fucking sorry,malishka.I didn’t think you would truly pee—”

“Shut up! I think my water broke.”

“What?” Alexie placed me on my feet and started freaking out. “Call the doctor. We need supplies. Nothing is set up yet! We aren’t ready. Get the servants! Grab something!” He was yelling at the top of his lungs as he sprinted about, throwing orders at everyone.

He left me to stand in my own puddle as he flew toward the door. “What about me?” I cried out.

“Shit! Sorry.” He ran back and picked me up off my feet. “Probably should have grabbed the most important person.”

He took me to one of the master suites we had designated for my birth.

From entering the room to the actual delivery, everything went by in a blur. I just pushed and pushed until our baby was born.

When it was all over, the medical staff left to give us some time alone. Alexie and I stared goofily at each other, the baby in-between us. I couldn’t believe how much I adored my husband. I never imagined a life like this. The best I had hoped for was the freedom to run. Now I had the freedom to love.

Alexie’s father was the first family member to come through the door. While the oldpakhansmiled at the baby as he neared, he was gruffly bitching about work. I was still learning Russian, so I only caught every third word or so, but there was enough context to understand the problem.

“What happened?” Alexie asked.

“I sent them on their way, but I’m not happy with the deal your brother brokered. We have to change the treaty for your fuck up.”

“That’s fucking bullshit,” Alexie bit out. “You should have just let me—”

“No. As it stands now, they don’t want you here, and neither do I. Once everything is done, you need to go back to America. Your banishment stands. Be happy I’m letting you live at all.”

“I don’t want any trouble. I only came at my brother’s request, and to introduce you to your grandchild.”

“I’m no longer weak and dying. I’ve gotten my hold on my men again, your brother has taken your place as next heir, and there is no need foryouto be here.”

“Understood.” Alexie’s jaw clenched.