Page 98 of Trapping His Queen

Alexie stomped on his head, fury shining in his eyes. “Roman. Bring me my sword.”

Tears sprang to my eyes from the revelation. Anger coursed through my body as I stalked toward Damon. “Why? My father was good to you!”

Damon shrugged before wincing from the pain. “Because he was making alliances with our rivals, was going to marry you off to an enemy family in the name of peace.” He spat blood. “So, we killed the old fucker.”

Roman came back with Alexie’s sword.

“What are you going to do with that?” I asked, shaking in fury.

“I’m going to avenge my wife and her father,” he replied. “He will pay with his life for the harm he caused you.”

“Avenge?” the prez chuckled. “My men who escaped will avenge me. You and this cunt will get what’s coming to you.” He looked at me. “Did you tell your groom how I used to make you choke on my cock?” He laughed. “But you loved being the club’s dirty cocksucker, didn’t you?”

A strangled sound escaped my throat, but I stopped Alexie’s arm. “Give me your sword.”

“You sure?” Alexie asked. “Once you take a life, it cannot be undone.”

“Oh. I’m not going to kill him. I’m going to cut off his pathetic penis and shove it down his throat.” I waited a beat before adding, “Then you can kill him.”

“Here,” Roman appeared next to me, handing over his knife.

Alexie motioned for his men to come over. They pulled the bastard’s pants down and held him still.

“Eww. You soiled yourself,” I gagged. “Nasty fucker.”

I didn’t hesitate. I sawed through his dick. He screamed, and I cursed him for squirting blood all over my wedding gown. He ruined my beautiful dress, just like he ruined my life.

I pierced his cock with the knife then rubbed it in the shit dripping around his ass and smeared on his pants. Alexie’s men forced his mouth open. I shoved the shish-kebabbed cock in deep.

“Who’s the dirty cocksucker now? How do you like the taste of that dirty cock?”

He was gurgling and screaming, but it served him right. Alexie’s men forced his mouth closed, and I slid the knife out.

“Okay, you can kill him now.”

My blasé tone brought a chuckle out of Alexie. “Of course, dear.”

Roman came over and stepped on Damon’s head. Alexie lifted his sword and brought it down, effectively beheading the MC president. He lightly kicked the severed head over to me. When it rolled to a stop at my feet, and the severed shit-coated penis hung out of the slacked jaw.

I smiled.

When I looked over at Alexie, his sword dripping with the blood of my rapist, I knew I was in love.

I rushed over to my husband and hugged him tight. “Best wedding gift ever,” I mumbled. “Thank you.”

I would have said more, but the stupid bitch wailing on the floor ruined the romantic moment. Megan was begging Josh to do something. He remained eerily silent. He only had one good eye. The other was hanging out of its socket. Blood dripped from his ears.

Alexie moved away from me and used his sword tip to spear the hanging eye.

Both Megan and Josh screamed in unison, and the offending eye was ripped off and flung away.

“Quiet,” Alexie ordered. “Shut your mouths or your tongue will be next.”

Josh’s mouth snapped closed. Megan quieted down to a whimper, though she still mumbled her pleas for release.

“I had been saving you two for a special occasion,” Alexie mused. “You were initially scheduled to die together earlier, but your girlfriend shared her club ticket with Sloane instead, thus buying you both a little extra time. But you might be wondering why you’re on my radar at all?”

Alexie told his men something in Russian. In turn, they stretched Josh’s arms out.