Page 92 of Trapping His Queen

Alexie squeezed my hands and whispered menacingly. “Shut the fuck up and look pretty for me,malishka,or you will not like the consequences.”

“No!” I protested. “We all know that I don’t want this, Alexie. You can’t force me to marry you. I won’t sign the papers.”

Alexie motioned to the priest to continue.

“Fuck that,” I muttered, pulling on my hands. I was hoping Alexie would let go.

“Enough, Sloane,” Alexie growled.

I froze. He usually called me “malishka”or “baby” these days. I wasn’t used to him using my name anymore.

“This weddingishappening,” he continued, “and there is not a damned thing you can do about it.”

“Over my dead body,” I growled.

He dead ass looked at me and replied, “That can be arranged.”

Startled into silence, I closed my mouth and hung my head.I would not cry. I would not cry.

“I thought you would be happy, Sloane,” Roman whispered.

“No, I’m not fucking happy,” I hissed at him.

“But you both love each other.”

“No, we don’t. He kidnapped me and is forcing me to have his baby. In what universe does that constitute happiness or love?”

“Enough,” Alexie interjected before Roman could say anything more.

“I don’t want to do this,” I whimpered.

“But I do,malishka.And that’s all we need to make this possible. So stop sniveling and let me make you my woman.”

“But we are not in love,” I cried.

Alexie held up a hand to stop his priest. He then leaned over and whispered for my ears only. “You can’t fool me,malishka.You have been in love with me since the first moment I stuck my cock in you.”

I pulled back to look at him. “You are crazy.”

“I do not want to have to force you, Sloane. It is not my fault that force is how you like to do things. I offered you a gift, and you have spat all over it.”

“What gift? The wedding I didn’t want?”

“Roman,” Alexie barked. “Give me the rings. Let’s be done with this. It seems I will be teaching my new wife a few lessons before the night is over.”

His menacing tone spread goosebumps all over my body.

“No!” But I could not stop him. He forced the ring on my finger, and an ache set in the middle of my chest. “You don’t love me. You’ve forced me to marry you, and you don’t even love me.”

The priest finished whatever the fuck he was saying, gave what I assumed was a blessing, binding me in holy matrimony to a monster…

Until death did us part.



I would not shoot my fucking littlemalishka.She just needed to get her act together before I took her back to my bedroom and taught her some fucking manners.