Page 49 of Trapping His Queen

As long as she gave me children, I would keep her like the queen she was. I would treat her better than anyone had treated her before. Since she wasn’t amenable right now to getting pregnant, I’d have to breed her by force. But no worries. She’d come to love the process soon enough.

I sat on the bed and rubbed her back until she fell asleep. Then I went back to work. There was no rest for the wicked, and I had plans that needed implementing.



I slowly blinked awake, my aching muscles drawing me from my slumber. I stifled a groan as I tried to wiggle out of his arms. He was wrapped around me like a fucking koala. I squirmed again.

“Please, I have to pee.”

“Fine,” he mumbled and rolled away from me.

I cautiously got out of bed, holding my breath. When he didn’t move, I let out a small sigh of relief. The déjà vu was strong. My heart was pounding in my chest as I crept to the bathroom.

You need to run.

I used the facilities but didn’t flush the toilet. I didn’t want anything to wake him up, not in this moment.

Run! Run! Run!

My brain was right. I needed to leave. It didn’t matter that he’d given me more orgasms than I could count. The man was an absolute psycho.

I tiptoed back into the bedroom. Unlike the last hook up, I didn’t have any clothing this time. I peered over to the sexy sociopath sleeping, as if he were unaware of the sun rising beyond the unshaded window. In the morning glow, he was fucking hot. Taunt lines of muscle and masculine beauty.

The draw to rejoin him in bed was strong. I sighed. I hadn’t slept this well in a long time. One didn’t have that luxury when one always had to keep an ear open for unwanted visitors.

I swiped his shirt off the floor and put it on, uncaring that I was sticky from sex. Thankfully, he was as large as an ox, so it was large enough to cover up the fact that I had no panties on. I looked in the room’s mirror. I pulled off the bonnet and fluffed my hair the best I could. It would have to do.

I opened the bedroom door and cringed when it let out a small creak. Swinging it wider as if to rip the Band-Aid off, I shot out of the bedroom and sped-walked down the hall to the interior balcony. I looked down the long stairwell. The house was quiet as a tomb.

Quick and light as a mouse, I was down the stairs through the foyer and out the front door, looking over my shoulder as if the Devil himself might be on my heels. I didn’t even bother closing the front door behind me.

Too busy worrying about what might come up behind me was the reason I was halfway down the drive before I noticed the secured gate, manned with scary looking armed guards. Like, very armed.

I immediately slowed to a walk and weighed my options. There was nowhere to hide.

Should I approach them like I belonged and pray they’d let me go?

Should I flee in the opposite direction and look for a fence to jump?

This whole set up looked like the kind of place that might have guard dogs that chased trespassers down and mauled them to death.

The two goons glanced at each other then back at me. One spat something in what I could only assume was Russian. The other said something equally as harsh, and they started walking toward me. They drew weapons.

Gulping, I panicked and spun, then ran back the way that I’d come. The guards shouted behind me, their feet pounding the ground in their chase.Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.Why did I think this was a good idea?

The mansion loomed ahead of me, but my plans to run around it were dashed as more security arrived, also armed and hollering, and effectively cutting off my alternate route of escape. There would be no jumping fences today.

I was so rattled that I went toward the only place left. The front door.

To my horror, before I could reach the knob, the front door flew opened, and the man who had prompted my escape in the first place stood stoically in the doorway. However, he looked like safety to me, which is why I threw myself in his arms.

He caught me, but the rock-hard tension in his body and literal growl that escaped his throat told me he was angry, if not downright fucking furious. He snapped something to the men surrounding me and they all stopped in place.

I breathed a sigh of relief and clung to him like a lifeline.

He took a deep breath and moved me from his chest. His fingers clenched tight around my upper arms as he assessed me. I wouldn’t have thought it possible, but he actually managed to frown more when he saw what I was wearing… Or rather, all that Iwasn’twearing.