Page 22 of Trapping His Queen

“You will need a key to make the elevator work.”

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!Could I use the emergency stairs without setting off an alarm?Fuck!

“You can have my key,” he offered.

What a helpful little dude.

Flashing a weak smile, I took the keycard. “Um, he’s still sleeping. I wouldn’t wake him.”

Roman shrugged. “Didn’t plan to.”

“Cool,” I breathed, “and thanks, for the key.”

I didn’t wait for a response, or even pause to contemplate that my hookup had a kid staying at the room.Jesus.I rushed to the elevator. I didn’t know what I was thinking last night.

As soon as I walked out of the front lobby, I remembered where I was. The doorman winked at me like he knew some secret I didn’t. Lord, help me. I was in the city.

I headed back to the bar that I figured I left my car at, my first-choice locale whenever I came this way because the alcohol was cheap and there was no cover charge or anything. I wished I had checked the time before I left the hotel. Was I late for work? I didn’t dare turn on my phone to check for fear it was being tracked. I couldn’t power it on until I was back in town.

“I’m a flight risk,” I repeated bitterly, recalling what the MC president had said when he’d issued the many dictates I now followed, which happened after I got caught trying to skip town.

Everyone was a fucking snitch where I lived. The day I tried to leave, I was detained at the bank while trying to clean out my savings and close up my account. The MC were called by a loyal employee. Fucker. I couldn’t deny my intentions to the club when my car was packed to the brim with all my crap. Not only did they beat my ass, but they took my savings and made me trade out my decent car for a piece of shit that couldn’t get far.

Speaking of…

Muttering a prayer of thanks, I saw my old, raggedy clunker sitting right where I normally parked it, which was under a particular streetlight close to the bar’s front door, in full view of any bouncers or patrons. As a woman, you couldn’t be too safe.

I slid into the driver’s seat and tried to start her up. It wouldn’t turn over.Goddammit.My car needed to be fixed, or I needed to buy a new one—neither of which were expenses I could afford. I tried again, hoping for a different result.

It started, and I let out a sigh of relief. I couldn’t get stuck in the city. The time showed how fucked I already was. I had to get to work as soon as possible. Not only would my boss yell at me for being late, something I never did, but if Megan were there, she would give me the third degree as well.

Not for herself. Oh, no. She was essentially a spy for the MC. She reported my every move to them. My unexpected lateness would for sure get back tohim.She’d tell him she called me, she knocked on my door, and I was nowhere to be found.

I drove along the highway, cursing myself for getting carried away last night.

That old, tired feeling washed over me as I passed the welcome sign into my town. One part of me actually wished I could go back, snuggle up against the stranger who clearly showed me a good time. But as it stood right now, I wouldn’t even have time to wash his scent off my skin. At least I was smart enough to keep a spare uniform in the back of my car. It was mostly in case I got messy at work, but it would come in handy today.

I pulled up to Hugh’s and felt tears glistening in my eyes. I didn’t want to be there. I didn’t want to live like this anymore. But I also knew it was either this or death. Something that had been ingrained in me over-and-over for the past couple years.

Honestly, I was too young and too damn pretty for a casket.

Not that I’d get to lay in one. They’d make sure no one found my body.



The sound of birds chirping outside the large hotel windows woke me from a dead sleep. Last night had been wonderful, as I’d met the woman of my dreams. I had shared only a little with her, but it was more than I’d shared with anybody else, and I had slept better than I had in years.

During our lovemaking, when she’d cried out for a condom, I put one on for a few strokes. But as soon as she was clenching down on me, begging for more, I slipped it off and tossed it to the floor. Since I had decided back at the bar that she was the one to bear my heir, I had only done as she’d asked to save us from the ensuing fight, as it was not a fight she would have won. I was going to get my way. I always got my way. And she would learn that soon enough.

Had we been in a more personal location, I would have had the fight just to have a valid reason to tie her sexy ass to my bed. Even thinking about that made my already hard dick throb. I needed to find a more permanent residence where I could show mymalishkajust how serious I was about our relationship. She was mine now. The sooner she accepted that, the better it would be for her and the baby she would be carrying. Even now, my seed could be taking root in her womb.

Cock achingly hard, I reached for her hot little body ready to give mymalishkaanother few rounds, but my hands touched cold sheets.

I sat up in the bed, alarmed. Where the fuck was she? When I looked around the room and didn’t see her clothes on the floor, I stumbled out of the bed and rushed into the bathroom. It was empty.

She couldn’t have gone far. There was no way she could get off this floor without a room key, and I had the only two suites at the hotel. I checked my pants. My key card was still there.