Page 60 of Stalking Daddy

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I reach for it, rolling my eyes at the message.

Gunner: Where the hell are you? You promised not to stay too long when I dropped you off.

Me: I fell asleep.

Gunner: It's almost as if you want to get the both of you killed. I saw a suspicious vehicle roaming your boyfriend's street when I last went to check on you.

Me: They are still here. I can't leave until they do. And he's not my boyfriend.

Gunner: I guess that leaves me to take care of it then?

Me: Well you clearly have too much time on your hands and need something to keep you busy otherwise you wouldn't be texting me so damn much.

He doesn't reply but I can practically see the annoyed and impatient expression on his face. Not sure the guy has many others. He never smiles or laughs but I don't do much of that anymore either, and when I do it's not usually real or intentional.

I shove the phone back in my pocket and pace the living room, waiting for Connor to come back. Yes, I know all of Everett's family's names. I've done background checks on all of them and memorized where they all live. I'll never know when it will come in handy.

Loud footsteps trail behind me, followed by a loud sigh. “He's at a club downtown. I think it's one of your dad's, Club Red.”

“Ah. He's already getting super comfortable in his new place. Unfortunately for him, it won't stay that way for long.”

“Are you just going to show up without a plan?”

I shake my head. “Nope. I know exactly how I'll get my uncle out of his comfy chair. He wants me, he'll think he's getting me.”

“You really think you can do this alone?”

“Yes. I've done a lot worse on my own before. This will be a fucking cake walk.”

Another message comes to my phone and this time when I read it, a smile creeps on my face. Maybe I can still do it genuinely after all.

I tug on the hood of my sweatshirt. “I have to go.”

His brow furrows. “But the men outside.”

“It's no longer a problem.”

His eyes squint and he looks toward the window. “How?”

“I don't have time to explain things to you. Make sure Ev doesn't leave the house.”

I glance down at my phone, skimming over the message again.

Gunner: It's done. I'll be waiting at the end of the street. Be quick.

My eyes meet Connor's confused ones again. “Thanks for your help.”

“Wait,” he says, stepping forward, and before he can get too close, I rush out the front door, slamming it hard behind me. I take in my surroundings before running to where Gunner said he'd be. His black sedan is sitting in front of a stop sign and the doors unlock as soon as I'm close enough. I get into the passenger side and he drives off before I can fully shut the door.

“Took you long enough,” he says, staring forward, his sunglasses hiding his eyes. He wears them all the time now. He gets less stares and questions that way. His eyes are a reminder of everything we've been through and no one likes constantly having those.

“Just drive, pendejo.”

“Where to?”

“Club Red. But first I need—”

He tosses a phone in my lap and I don't bother finishing my sentence. The blue phone belongs to the man who killed my mom. We were hoping someone would check in with him soon but they haven't yet. It means we'll have to make the first call.