Page 49 of Stalking Daddy

“I'm sorry. You didn't tell me that part.” He frowns, his toothbrush clutched tightly between his fingers.

“No. Didn't want to ruin the happy moment. You were really enjoying yourself at the pet store that day.”

He nods, dropping the toothbrush on the counter, a slight shift in his eyes. “Ev?”


“What's your real name?”

I laugh, sweeping a curl from his face. “Promise not to laugh?”

“No.” His lips purse together and he leans in closer.


His eyebrows raise, and he smiles. “Seriously?”


“You couldn't have come up with a different fake name?”

“I could have but my cover was almost blown.”

“How so?”

“When your mom and I met for the second time, we ran into your aunt Rosa. Before I could fully introduce myself, someone I knew from college called over to me. So I had to think of another name that could be shortened to Ev.”

He laughs, shaking his head. “Such a smooth guy you are.”

“Right. It's my fault for going places too close to where I grew up.”

“At least I don't have to call you anything different,” he says, grabbing at my shirt.

“Would you anyway?”

He shifts his lips, his smile playful. “Probably not. So did you lie about your age too?"

I frown. "Unfortunately no, but we can always pretend I did."

He laughs, his eyes studying mine. "I don't think so, old man."

What the hell are we even doing? What is this? Do I even need to define it? I'm too afraid of what it will mean if I do. I don't even think any title would fit. He is him and I am me, when we are together, we become us.

He drops his towel and walks into the room. Following him like a lost puppy, I search for my jacket.

“It's on the chair,” he says as if able to read my mind.

“Thanks.” I slide it on, walking his way. “Are you going to be okay alone?”

“I did okay yesterday,” he says shortly.

I laugh, ruffling his hair. “Yeah, well, it is a new day.”

“I'll be fine. You should worry about yourself.”

“You're right.” I take a step back. “My mom is a scary woman after she has her two margaritas.” I lean over the bed, grabbing his shirt. “Don't do anything crazy while I'm gone.”

He snatches the clothing from my hand, rolling his eyes. “Does that mean you're coming back with more mashed potatoes later?”