Page 3 of Stalking Daddy

He answers on the third ring, his voice deep and calm. “Ignacio?”

“Yes?” I ask, my chest heavily rising and falling.

“Where are you? Please tell me you're at school already.”

“No. I'm down the street from home.”

“Keep driving and go to the nearest police station,” he says, his words coming out too quickly.

“Why the fuck would I do that?”

“Because it's the only way I can guarantee you stay safe.”

“What do you mean? How would I be safe there? My father just got arrested and if they find out I'm his son—”

“I know—” Heavy breathing comes from the other end of the phone. “—everything.”

“What do you mean you know?” The only way he could is if…my stomach knots. Did he have something to do with this?

“Look, I can't explain right now but I will soon. I promise. Just do as I ask. I only want to keep you and your mom away from all this. None of this is your fault. You didn't ask for this.”

“You're not making sense. Where's my mom?”

“She's already there waiting for you. I have to go, but I'll see you soon. In the meantime, stay away from your father and your uncle.”

He hangs up before I can question him some more. As much as I don't want to and am tempted to run away until all this shit blows over, I do as he says. I want to see my mom. I know she'll need me, and I won't leave her here alone, trapped in all this mess.

I reach the station and my mom's car is sitting in the parking lot. Is she here by force? Are they arresting her too? I get out and run to the front entrance. Pulling open the door, I search for her with frantic eyes. A man in uniform stops me from walking any further. “Can I help you, son?”

“I was told my mom is here. Where is she?”

“What's her name?” He eyes me warily.

“Maria Alvarez.”

He nods in understanding, tugging on his belt. “Don't worry, she's safe. Looks like you are too now. Right this way.”

I follow him to the back and my mom is standing by a coffee machine, clutching her cup to her chest. “Mijo!”

She rushes my way, sets the cup down on a nearby desk, and pulls me into her arms. “I'm so glad you're okay. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I couldn't. It's the only way.”

I pull back, my brow furrowing. “What do you mean? What did you do?”

“What I had to do in order for us to be free from it all.”

“Ma, what the hell did you do?”

She swallows hard, her forehead wrinkling with worry. “You might hate me now but you'll realize one day it was the best thing I could have done.”

“You're not making sense. Why is Dad being arrested?”

She releases a drawn-out sigh and wraps my hand in hers. “Your father is a very powerful man. He has most of the people in this city wrapped around his finger. Even some law enforcement and politicians. I couldn't bring him down by myself.”

“You did this?”

