Page 19 of Stalking Daddy

Ignacio stares at me with red, swollen eyes, his bottom lip trembling. “You and me. Always.”

“Even when they separate us. I'll still be with you. Close your eyes and come back to my arms. Find your way to me even if it's only in your mind.”

“I'm growing bored of all this. Let's go, boy.”

“Don't forget, Iggy, they aren't here. Block him out. All of them.” My stomach is in tatters, and something ugly shifts inside me.

The man lifts Iggy from the ground and tosses him over his shoulder. Iggy closes his eyes, tears trailing down his cheeks. “Only you,” he says as the man laughs, closing the door behind him.

I fall over to my side, closing in on myself, my heart breaking as I picture holding Ignacio in my arms while he sings “All I Need”, his voice filling my head and making me think ofonly him.

Only us.

My eyes snap open at the sound of the old pipes shifting above me. I glance around and the room is mostly dark; the only bit of light they left me with is the light bulb hanging above me. Ignacio is still gone. My chest heaves and I sit up against the wall, hopelessness settling inside me. Maybe Ignacio is right. We're stuck here. No one's coming for us. They wouldn't know where to look and even if we somehow manage to get free, I have no fucking clue where we are.

Shivering, I reach for the blanket and the bucket moves with it. The light reflects against the metal the closer I pull it. I sit up straighter and grab for it as soon as it's in arm’s reach. I stare at the plastic and yank at the handle, pulling with all my might, breaking only part of the plastic keeping it together. Lifting it as high as my strength allows me, I slam it down to the ground so hard the handle snaps off, the seal around it cracking.

I laugh, wrapping my fingers around the handle. I stare up at the ceiling, smiling. Maybe all hope isn't lost after all. We all make mistakes, especially when distracted. He never came back for the bucket. He forgot. Too focused on mine and Ignacio's exchange, it probably slipped his mind.

When the doorknob rattles, I hide the broken plastic and metal under the blanket, covering myself with it in the process.

“Dinnertime.” The man entering tosses three packaged Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes on the floor. “Happy holidays, asshole.” he laughs as he smashes one of the cakes with his foot. “Eat up.”

“Wait,” I say as he's walking back toward the hallway.

“What is it?”

“Where's Ignacio?”

He groans. “Always with the fucking questions.”

“Why isn't he back yet?”

“The boss isn't done with him. He'll come back when he comes back.”

My stomach lurches and I clench my fists. I don't beg and plead this time for Ignacio’s return. It'll only cost him more. I'll keep playing their little game for a little longer because soon I won’t need to. Anything to keep us alive and to increase my chances of freeing Iggy.

I nod in understanding, and he walks toward the door.

“Wait,” I shout again.

The man turns around, impatient. “Ugh, what now?”

“You forgot something last time,” I say.

“What's that?” his head tilts and his eyes search the room.

“Come here and I'll show you.” I need him to get a little closer to me. He’s going to regret taking Iggy and stepping foot back into this room.

“What are you playing at?” he sputters. “I don't have time for your games.”

“You say that now, but soon you'll be begging for them.” I grin.

“What are you talking about?”

“Do you want your bucket back or not?” I lift only the bottom half, not letting him see the rest.

A loud sigh escapes him. “How'd you get that?”