Page 10 of Stalking Daddy

“No. Not you. Your father and his lifestyle.”

“You started a war when you took him down. Not only was he arrested but so were many of his contacts and alliances. He's made more enemies because of you, and I lost all protection when you brought down his walls. Not only did you expose him, you left me out in the open for the wolves to pick apart.”

“Nothing I can do will ever fix what happened, but I'll try my best to be here for you now.”

I scoff, rolling my eyes. “Easy to do when you don't have a choice. Don't you think I've tried to escape? If it was so fucking easy, I wouldn't still be here. You think I want to be beaten and fucked against my will every day?”

He tugs at his hair, lowering his head. “No, of course not, and as soon as I get the chance, I will make all of them pay for what they've done.”

I toss my head back, laughing. “You meanif. Good luck, Hercules.”

“Everyone has weak moments. They got us at ours and we'll get them at theirs.”

“And what was yours?”

He stretches out his legs, his fingers pressing into his thighs, his soft cock fully exposed. “You.”



Ignacioturnsawayfromme, not saying another word.


“Leave me alone, I'm tired.”

He doesn't believe me. I had grown to care so much for him and his mom; it ate at me inside thinking about everything he could be going through while I sat at my office desk, the one he thinks I chose over him. Maybe in some way I did. It wasn't something I meant to do but somewhere along the line, I lost sight of what I was supposed to be doing. Yes, I wanted to protect him but I also wanted to make the world a better place, not thinking of what could happen to him in the process.

I was an idiot, careless and conflicted. I was never supposed to get attached to the family of my mark. He's right though, I did use them and even if his mom did come to me, I originally took the job for selfish reasons.

We both sit here with only our breathing filling the silence. I want to reach out again but I know it'll only make him more upset. He needs time, and I'll give him all he needs. I study the door and the hinges before examining the rest of the room. Last time I looked around, it was completely dark. Now I can see the place a little better with the small light on.

The walls are cement like the floor, and the room isn't as big as I thought it was. It appears like a basement or cellar but I don't see any stairs. They must be outside the door. I need to know what else is out there. Does Ignacio know? I wouldn't blame him if he didn't.

When you're fighting against your captors, not wanting to think about what they're going to do next, you don't exactly take time to grow familiar with everything around you. Fear blinds us all from what's right in front of our faces.

The guy who said he spotted mine wasn’t wrong. I was scared. Not for me but for the young man who once smiled at me at the breakfast table and laughed at my horrible jokes.

The door pushes open and another man with his face covered comes into the room. He doesn't close the door behind him like the others, giving me a small view of outside. It's a hallway, also with cement walls and floors. It's dark and closed off on the right side. We are in a basement.

“Okay little one, time for you to take your daily trip.”

“Stop,” I say. “Take me instead.”

The guy waves me off and walks closer to Ignacio, kicking at his leg. “Wake up.”

Ignacio lifts his cuffed hands to his face, rubbing his eyes. “What?”

“Get to your feet.”

“Please. Not today.”

“Leave him alone. If you take me, I promise not to put up a fight. I'll go willingly.”

“No one asked you, copper. Now sit there and be quiet or instead of delivering him to my brother, I'll take him myself right here in front of you.”

“No,” Ignacio shouts. “I'll go. I want to.”