Page 76 of Stalking Daddy

Ignacio licks at a candy cane on the couch while humming “Jingle Bells.” He's wearing a Santa hat and I'm not even sure where he got it from. It's Christmas day and he still hasn't heard from or seen his father. He's not my only issue. Carl never messaged or called me to let me know how his visit with Lennon went. I'm guessing not well.

The only missed messages on my phone are from work and my mom. She's not happy about me missing dinner yesterday. I didn't think my family was ready to meet Ignacio and I was too comfy with him by the fire most of the night watching Christmas movies to move. Of course everything he chose to put on was more on the dark and murderous side. He always did have a strange sense of humor but it’s one of my favorite things about him and one of the many attributes that separates him from everyone else.

He’s never afraid to be different, while most people I come across constantly try to fit in with the rest of the world or pretend to be someone they aren’t. Ignacio is real and unapologetically him.

“So are we going to do it this year?”

I arch a brow, reaching for the stocking on the fireplace. “Do what?”

He sighs, slamming his hand on his knee. “Build a snowman. Your reason before was there not being enough snow, and now there is. No air snowmen this year.”

I laugh and plop down in the spot next to him. “Sure. I guess we can make a small one. It’s a lot harder than it looks.”

His eyes brighten when I set the white stocking on his lap.

“What's this?”

“For you.”

He frowns. “But I didn't get you anything.”

“It's only something small. The real gift happens tomorrow.”

He strokes the top of the stocking and peeks inside. “How did you even do this?”

“It's one of the perks of you sleeping in late,” I say cheekily. Along with many other things. I woke up early this morning and did way more than a little shopping. Iggy isn't as sneaky as he thinks he is. His tricks and lies would have worked on anyone else but I've seen way too much in this life and know better.

He shoves his hand inside the stocking and pulls out fluffy Christmas socks first, followed by a necklace with a dove on it, some Life Savers, Mountain Dew ChapStick, and a few Christmas Tree Cakes.

He laughs, tossing the Little Debbie snacks in my direction. “You couldn't help yourself, could you?”

“Nope. It was too tempting and they were right there in the first aisle, taunting me.” I point at his lap, leaning into him. “There's one more thing at the very bottom.”

He purses his lips, and pulls free the last gift. Twisting the barbecue lighter between his fingers, his eyes shift between the item and me. “What's this for?”

“After hours of research, I learned what fire sources were best to use for beginners.”

His brows bunch together. “For what?”

“Remember when I found you in the bathroom and said I'd find a better way?”

He nods, confusion still heavy in his expression. “But this is still fire.”

“Yes, but there is a way to use it without hurting yourself. It won't replace the burns with new ones but your body may feel like it is. Also, we would still be making each one yours.”

He tilts his head, the corners of his lips twitching. “How?”

I slide a hand on his leg and squeeze gently, offering him a comforting smile. “Fire play.”


“It's a kink and it can be done safely. I think it can give you exactly what you need without causing you any harm. We just have to make sure we take all the safety precautions.”

“I've never heard of it. It's something you'll do to me?”

“It's recommended you do it with a partner. You trust me, don't you?”

He swallows hard and glances at the lighter again. “Yes.”