Page 74 of Stalking Daddy

Everett grabs two large towels from the nearby closet and hands me one. Once we're both dry, we brush our teeth and climb into bed together, naked. Lying on top of the bedspread, he pulls me against him and wraps his limbs around me. He reaches behind him and turns off the lamp, the dark not swallowing me whole the way it usually does. I hate the dark but I despise how much I don't mind being in it with Everett.

I pretend to fall asleep first by remaining still for a long time, and when his snores finally fill the room, I pull myself free from his arms, searching for his pants in the bathroom. I pull out the lighter and close the bathroom door. My old burns ache, so I bring the lighter to the one on my inner thigh, closing my eyes as the small flame burns through the old mark.

I breathe through the pain, smiling, and when the door opens, so do my eyes. I freeze in place at the sight of Everett standing in the door.

His eyes grow rounder. “What the hell are you doing, Iggy?”

I swallow hard and the lighter falls from my hand, hitting the ground with a loud clack. “I’m taking them back.”

He frowns and reaches behind me, grabbing something from the cabinet. “Baby, that's not the safe way to do it. You could really hurt yourself or cause an infection.”

The water runs and he shuts it off before bringing a white gauze to my skin, the cold water soothing the aching burn.

“I've been doing it for a while, and I have it under control.”

He sighs, keeping the gauze pressed to me. “I know you think that but there are other ways. Do you like hurting yourself?”

I pause for a second and then shake my head. “It isn't about the pain. I burn off every mark they created on my body and it feels more freeing each time.”

He grabs the lighter and stands up. “I'll tell you what, you stop trying to handle everything on your own for a little while and let me help you.”

I forced him to be my Daddy, manipulating him into the role, and can't reverse it now. He's only doing what I wanted. “Okay.”

“We'll figure this out together, I promise.”

I nod, releasing a long breath. “Now?”

“No.” He brushes a few strands of hair behind my ear. “Tonight we'll sleep and tomorrow we will help my brother decorate the tree like you promised. Then we’ll see what happens from there.”

“You really should stop adding words to my sentences. I didn't promise anything.”

He laughs, turns off the light, and drags me back to the bedroom. “No more sneaking away today or you won't get to come for a week.”

I begin to open my mouth and then shut it when he gives me a stern look. “No talking back either.” He gets into bed and pats the empty spot beside him. “Come on, Little Dove.”

Not having the energy or urge to argue with him, I slide into the empty spot. He turns off the lamp and wraps an arm around my waist, burying his face in my neck. “Good night, Iggy.”

“Night, Daddy,” I say, relaxing into his hold, wishing he didn't make me feel so safe.

Morning light coming through a nearby window has me blinking my eyes open. Exhausted and achy all over from the sex marathon I did yesterday, I bury my face in the pillow, not wanting to move.

“Morning,” a deep groggy voice comes from beside me. I look up from the pillow and Everett is smiling at me, his blue eyes hazy.

“You're too happy for someone who just woke up.” I slam my face back into the pillow and his light laughter fills my ears. I was supposed to ruin him but here he is appearing happy next to me instead of being miserable. He only thinks he's happy. I've played with his mind to make him believe he wants all this. Could he ever otherwise?

The thoughts fade away when soft fingers brush my back. “And you're always in a bad mood no matter what time it is.”

“What time is it now?” I say against the pillow.

“Eight a.m.”

“I should let you know then that I have a rule against talking before twelve p.m.”

“Since when?” he asks, lowering his hand to my ass.

I wiggle against his palm. “Since I no longer have to be anywhere before then.”

He chuckles, squeezing my right ass cheek before giving the other side a gentle slap. “Fine. I won't bother you anymore, but I have to get up and eat something because my stomach is flipping around too much.”