Page 68 of Stalking Daddy

“Not like this.” I shake my head, tugging at a strand of my hair. “Ignacio, the yellow tape is there for a reason. This has been marked a crime scene.”

“It was. It’s not anymore. The investigation is over. We got away and they are all dead.”

“How do you know there aren't more out there? They’re probably watching the place.”

He brushes my fingers with his. “Because when you eliminate the man leading the circus, you take care of all his monkeys too.”

“What are you talking about?” I lean into him, resting my hand on his arm.

“My uncle is dead. He was behind all of this. He wanted my dad gone, along with anyone who could stand in his way of taking over. He sold me and killed my mom.” He sucks his teeth, his eyes watering. “He was…he…fuck.”

Devastation and shame fill his eyes. “He…my own uncle.”

“Wha—” My rage springs to life and my skin crawls. “Jesus. Oh Iggy…I…”

“Don't do that,” he says, quivering with anger. “Don't feel sorry for me or give me your pity speeches. I don't want any of it.”

Nodding in understanding, I press a kiss to his forehead. “Okay. Tell me what I can do then.”

His gaze shifts toward the house. “I told you already.” He swallows hard and his eyes capture mine again. “Starting with the living room floor where it all began.”

“I...don't…I'm just not…”

The desperation in his expression and agony in his eyes is heartbreaking, swallowing me whole. I can do this for him. It's crazy and messed up but what about this world isn't? If I can turn this ugly place into something he no longer feels he has to run from, why wouldn't I?

It could be one less demon he has to carry around. It might offer him a sense of control and help him overcome his nightmare easier. I nod, pulling him into me, and I breathe in his calming citrus scent. “Okay. I'll do it. For you.”

His face rubs into my chest, and he looks up at me, smiling. “For us.”

I swipe a falling tear from his cheek and take a deep breath. “Let's go then.”

He nods, grabs a flashlight from the middle console and gets out of the car first. I quickly follow behind him, not wanting to ever be too far away from him. My stomach twists the closer we get to the door and I can't believe we are about to enter a place it took us so long to break free from. It's like getting a second chance of life after death and still willingly jumping back into the gates leading us straight into hell's fire.

I grab his hand, and his nails press into the palm of my hand as I easily open the door. Blood still covers the floors of the kitchen and markers scatter along the floor but all the bodies are gone. We walk around, checking every room for anyone who could be lurking in the dark, and I lock the door leading to the basement, along with the ones leading to outside once we are sure we are the only ones in here.

Ignacio lights a few candles and I'm not even sure where he got them from or how he knew where they were. I watch him wearily as he lights the third candle and sets them on the coffee table.

“I found them in one of the bedrooms while you were locking the doors. Thought we could use a little light since the electricity doesn't seem to be working up here.”

I nod, looking around. If I didn't know any better, I would have assumed I was standing in the middle of a normal house belonging to normal people. The black leather couches are clean, layered with gray throw pillows, and the curtains are striped, matching everything else in the room, from the rug I'm standing on to the random decor scattered around the house.

I take off my jacket and lay it on the rug next to the coffee table, pointing to the fireplace. “I should try to get a fire going. The wood looks to still have some use to it and it's only going to get colder in here,” I say, my teeth chattering. “What did you use to light those candles?”

Ignacio stands up and reaches into his pocket. “I have a lighter.”

I take the silver item from his hand and flip back the top. “Are you taking up smoking or something?”

“Or something.” He shrugs. “You can take care of ensuring we are warm while I look around the house some more.”

I kneel to the ground, touching the logs. “What are you looking for?”

“Not sure yet,” he answers, heading for the stairs leading toward the second floor.

“I'm not sure I like the idea of you being up there alone.”

He waves me off, rolling his eyes. “Relax. We checked the place already and it's only us here. Besides, it's just a house. That's all it is now.”

“Yeah, just a house.” I wish that's all it was for me. Being here has me on edge and unsettled. A never-ending knowing persists in my chest and gut. I have to keep reminding myself why I'm here.