Page 62 of Stalking Daddy

“Remove the hood, let me see his face,” Rudy demands.

“Alright then.” The soft fabric moves upward and the cold air hits my cheeks. “Tio,” I say. “I should have known.”

He laughs, walking closer. “You were never very bright. Your father was smart to keep you hidden for as long as he did. You wouldn't have lasted past your eighteenth birthday if he hadn’t. I'm surprised you're still alive today. The man I sold you to must have taken a liking to you. I said they could do whatever they wanted as long as you ended up dead in the end. Yet here you are.”

I grind my teeth, my fists clenching. “It was you? All of it?”

“Si.” He grins, stroking his chin. “And who knew the man who tried to destroy us would be the one to save you. Don't worry, he'll be dying too, but I think I want him to watch you suffer one last time first.”

“Fuck you,” I spit.

“Mmm…been there. Done that. In fact, another part of the agreement was me getting to have you first, and of course once wasn't enough. You were just too sweet not to enjoy a few more times.”

Bile rises in my throat as I remember the first man who tied me down and took what he wanted. He barely spoke and was rough, not using much lube. It's horrible enough to lose your virginity by force to a stranger, but it’s even worse when it's your own uncle. “You’re sick,” I say.

He laughs louder. “Time to come with me now, guapo. I think I'll even fuck you one last time in front of your boyfriend before bleeding you dry.”

He inches close enough to stroke my face, the vodka strong on his breath as he parts his lips. “It's time for you to finally stop running.”

I smirk, my eyes locking him in place. “Oh, I don't plan to go anywhere.” I pull my hand free from Gunner's grasp and shove my knife into my uncle's stomach. His eyes widen and a wet sound comes from the back of his throat. I twist the knife, making it harder for the wound to close. He gasps and grimaces, the pain clear in his face.

“You stupid little shit.” Rudy's hand wraps around my neck, squeezing my windpipe. Gunner punches my uncle in the face before walking around me, alerting the guards. They reach for their guns and two large bricks fall from the roof, landing on their heads. They both crumble to the ground, and Gunner grabs their guns and slits their throats while I beat my uncle unconscious. I tie him up and get him in the back seat of the car, ready to take him to his final destination.

“Let's get out of here before more of his men come.”

We both get in the car and Gunner drives onto the road, looking in my direction. “Where to?”

“The truck stop my uncle uses to make transfers.”

Gunner turns the car around so fast I'm slamming into the window. My uncle stirs behind us, moaning in pain, his eyes half open. “Wha—”

“Quiet back there,” I shout. “I'm tired of hearing you talk already.” I grip my legs, my stomach shifting as I recall everythingTio Rudy said to me tonight.

“We're almost there,” Gunner says.

“Good. I can't wait until my dear uncle sees what I have in store for him.”

Gunner drives into the dark parking lot, placing himself between the only two large trucks in sight.

“What are you going to do?” my uncle asks.

I don't answer and instead get out of the car. I check both trucks and only one has a driver sleeping inside. He stirs awake when I knock loudly on his window. With wide eyes, he opens the door. “Is everything okay, young man?”

I nod and pull out my gun. “It can be if you do what I ask.”

He shifts back in his seat and I stand between him and the door before he can close it.

“What do you want?” His voice shakes.

“Your truck.”

“You can have it,” he says, giving me the keys. I take them and yank him down to the ground. “My friend here will make sure you don't try to run anywhere. I don't need you calling the cops before I'm done.”

“Done with what?” he asks, his face paling.

“Taking care of my biggest problem.”

Gunner gets out of the car and grabs the man by the shoulders. “Let's get you out of the way. You don't want to stay for this.”