Page 93 of My Sinner

“That’s because I heard you yelling Avantika’s and Neil’s names while you were barely conscious. You kept calling for them, worrying about them. I believe you do care about them.”

His eyes widened. Shit! It hadn’t been a dream. Aaryan had really been there looking after him while he’d been ill. It delighted him to learn that.

Aaryan stepped toward him. “I’m tired of fighting you, Dev. The two most important women in my life trust you. Avi believes in you, and Sanjana won’t stop telling me that I’m wrong about you. She fights with Vihaan every time he speaks ill of you. They literally have a love-hate relationship because she loves you, and he can’t stop hating you.”

Dev smiled. His sister truly was his biggest champion. And Avantika… He was so happy that she was finally on his side.

“Are Avi and Neil safe?” Dev asked him.

“Of course,” Aaryan replied. “I have people watching over them, guarding them at all times. Guarding all of us, including you.”

Dev exhaled. He was relieved to know that. Without a doubt, Aaryan would have stepped up and kept everyone safe. That was his nature. He was a protector. He’d kept his family safe and hidden for years, and that’s why Dev hadn’t been able to find them easily in the past.

The door opened and Avantika entered. “What is wrong with Vihaan now? He’s fuming outside.”

Aaryan looked at Dev.

“What did you do?” Avantika asked him.

Dev shrugged. “I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Dev, you really need to stop antagonizing him,” Avantika said.

Aaryan touched her shoulder. “I’ll go check on Vihaan.”

“Aaryan,” Dev called out. “We need to talk. All of us.”

Aaryan nodded.

The moment the door shut, Avantika came closer to him and wrapped her arms around him. He rested his head against her chest, allowing her softness, her warmth, and her scent to seep into him, to strengthen him.

“Don’t you ever scare me again like that.” Her voice shook as she spoke. “I need you. Neil needs you.”

She caught his face in her hands. “I… I love you.”

His eyes widened and his lips curved. “What was that you said? I’m not sure I heard you right, Ms. Rajpoot.”

She chuckled. “Stop teasing me.”

“Never. But if I’d known I needed to get shot for you to admit what you feel for me, I would’ve organized that to happen way earlier.”

She punched his shoulder. He grimaced.

“Shit! Are you hurt?” Worry lined her face. “I’m sorry.”

His face cleared, and his eyes sparkled, full of mischief. “You hit me on the wrong shoulder.”

“God! You’re just too much!” She palmed his cheeks. “I love you, Dev Luthra. I loved you when I was a girl of eighteen, and I love you now that I’m a grown woman. I don’t think I ever stopped loving you.”

“And I love you, Avantika Rajpoot. I never stopped loving you, not for one single second. You are mine, and we are meant to be together. I fought with fate to find you, and I will never let you go.”

“I won’t let you go, either,” she said, planting her lips on his.

Happiness flooded inside him. Avantika was his, finally. She believed in him, even without having heard him out. Aaryan was coming around as well, and Vihaan… He hoped, one day soon, he would come around too. He sighed. It had taken him years to reach here, to find these people who meant the world to him, and he would do what he could to ensure they never left him again.


Dev stood next to the empty fireplace in his home, surrounded by Avantika, Aaryan, Sanjana, and Vihaan.