Page 91 of My Sinner

Dev nodded.

Someone cursed. It was Vihaan. Dev swung his gaze to him. Vihaan stood by the door, arms crossed and glowering at him, looking like he wanted to be anywhere but here.

“When can I go home?” Dev asked Avantika.

“As soon as the doctor says you can.” She looked at Neil. “Come on,baba, you’ve met your dad. He needs to rest, and you should go home. You can visit him again tomorrow.”

Sanjana put an arm around Neil. “I’ll return with him to keep him company.”

“I’ll drop them to the car and return,” Avantika told Dev. She faced her brothers. “Stay with him, please.”

A doctor and nurse entered as soon as Avantika left with Neil and Sanjana.

The doctor fussed around him, checking his vitals and asking him questions.

“I want to go home,” Dev announced.

“Soon,” the young doctor said.

“How soon is soon?”

“A day, maybe two.”

“That won’t do. I need to go home tomorrow.”

The doctor pursed his lips. “We’ll see.”

“We shall. I am leaving tomorrow even if I have to remove these tubes myself,” he declared.

He wanted to be home and close to his family, where he could keep an eye on them. Already, two days had passed with him lying helpless here. He needed to go home and start figuring out who had tried to hurt Avantika. Was it the same person who’d caused the mine explosion? Why though? It didn’t make sense. Avantika was visiting India for the first time in twelve years. Why would someone want to hurt her? He dreaded to imagine what would have happened if he hadn’t noticed the red dot hovering over her chest on time.

He bore the doctor’s questions and ministrations quietly, his mind made up. He was leaving tomorrow, no matter what.

As soon as the doctor and nurse left, Aaryan said, “Bullying the doctor won’t get you home any faster.”

“Staying here won’t help me either.”

“You’re worried about Avi,” Aaryan correctly deduced.

“She’s always come first for me. Always.”

“Yeah, right,” Vihaan spluttered. “We saw how she came first for you that night twelve years ago.”

“You only saw what I let you see that night,” Dev responded.

Vihaan’s brows shot up. He shared a look with Aaryan.

Aaryan was still watching him. “Do you know who would want to hurt her? Could it be the same person who caused the explosion?”

Aaryan was asking the very same questions Dev had been mulling over.

“I can’t think of a single person who’d do this,” Dev replied.

“Really?” Vihaan’s fists curled. He was bubbling with hostility. “There’s no one else you’ve pissed off over the years? Some of your father’s cronies, maybe. Since you stopped all the illegal activities your father was into, it makes sense that one of them would want revenge.”

“They were all old, and most of them are dead now.”

“Fucker,” Vihaan cursed from across the room. “You should have just died like them, and all our misery would have ended.”