Page 89 of My Sinner

“He was shot…in the chest. He could have died,” she continued. “Besides, I hadn’t even heard him out yet. If you recall, he’s been busy attending to the mine explosion. A responsibility that no longer belongs to him. That bullet was intended for me. He pushed me away a second before he stepped in front of me.”

Vihaan’s face filled with remorse. “I’m sorry. I had to ask, Avi. I had to.”

She understood her brother’s concerns. They’d all been wary of Dev in the past. They’d been scared of him and his motives for too long. However, all her doubts had vanished the second she’d realized that he’d saved her life. Vihaan, of course, didn’t trust Dev. Even Aaryan, for that matter, didn’t trust him, but Sanjana most certainly had been talking to Aaryan, convincing him to give Dev a chance.

“I just spoke to Myra’s Dad,” Aaryan told her. “Neil is safe with him.”

Upon hearing what had happened, Om Gupta had immediately moved Neil to his house, and Avantika was glad her son was in safe hands.

She looked at her brothers. They, too, were studying her. An awkward silence had descended over them. They hadn’t been seeing eye-to-eye when it came to Dev, but they’d left everything and rushed to her because she needed them.

“Thank you for coming here,” she said quietly.

Aaryan glared at her. “Did you expect us not to?”

She looked at her hands. “I don’t know.”

Vihaan put his arm across her shoulder. “We may be mad at you. We may question your choices, but we will never leave you to face a peril alone.”

She gave them a watery smile.

“Who would want to hurt you?” Aaryan asked. “I spoke to so many people in Dev’s old staff, and no one thought he had enemies. I mean, he’s known to be ruthless and cut-throat in business, but no one could fathom such an extreme sort of enmity with anyone.”

“Myra’s dad confirmed that Dev had stopped all his father’s illegal businesses the minute Pritam Luthra died,” Vihaan added. “And that was four years ago.”

“I honestly don’t know who would try to hurt him, through me that too. It doesn’t make sense.”

“My brother is the only one who can answer that question,” Sanjana added.

“You need to change,” Vihaan said, studying Avantika from top to toe. “You’re covered in blood.”

She was. She hadn’t moved from the hospital in hours. She’d only cleaned her hands and face.

“I can’t leave him,” she said. “I don’t want him to be alone when he wakes up.”

“Don’t worry. Sanjana and I will stay with him,” Aaryan cajoled. “Vihaan will go with you. You need to freshen up, check on Neil, and return.”


Sanjana grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “My brother will wake up and need you. He shouldn’t see you like this. Please go home and freshen up. I promise to call you in case of anything.”

Avantika looked at Aaryan. He gave her a slight nod. Hesitantly, she allowed Vihaan to lead her away.


Asearing pain sliced through the side of his chest. Hot coals were burning against his body.

“Avantika! Neil!” he screamed. He was scared for them. But why? He couldn’t understand. He only knew he had to keep them safe.

He jerked upright. Sharp pain lashed against his chest. His head swam, and his vision blurred. Strong hands held him, pushing him back on the bed. He opened his eyes and couldn’t make sense of where he was. Aaryan’s face came into view. His expression was hard, focused on him. His old friend was saying something, but he couldn’t make it out through the pounding in his head.

He must be dreaming; that was the only reason why Aaryan would be around him. He struggled to sit up. More pain assaulted him. Aaryan said something again, which he couldn’t hear. Dev had to get to his family. They needed him. He wouldn’t be able to live if something happened to Avantika and Neil. He had to protect them. Something pricked against his arm. No! He struggled, but he was being held back. His world was darkening again. His eyes slid shut.

“Dev, p…please wake up…”Her tortured voice crashed inside his brain, jolting him out of the darkness enveloping him.

Gentle hands were clasping his palm. It was her. He knew it. He struggled to open his eyes, but they were glued together. She kissed his fingers, pressing his hand to her cheek. Soft sobs reached his ears.

She was crying. He didn’t like it. She never ought to cry, ever. Dev forced his eyes to open and blinked against the bright sunlight in the room. It took him a moment to figure out that he was in a hospital bed, attached to a beeping monitor. Memories of him being shot rushed through his head. He looked to the side, and there she was—his reason for existing.