Page 52 of My Sinner

She turned to face him.

He leaned forward and pulled her lower lip from the death grip of her teeth. “You know what happens when you bite this lip, right?”

As if she needed reminding, he swooped down and captured her mouth with his. She smiled when he finally released her.

In all honesty, she hadn’t even realized she’d been biting her lip. Her head was all over the place. She had huge decisions to make, and she needed time to think them through.

“Is Myra okay?” he asked.

“Myra’s fine, and so is the baby. Thank God!” Avantika said. “Her cervix is weak and hence the spotting. The doctors have given her a cervical stitch to prevent any premature birth. She needs to take it easy and rest for a few weeks. But we’ve been assured she will recover well.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” he said.

Silence stretched between them. She stared at him. He was watching her too. Throughout the long plane journey from London to Dubai, she’d been only thinking of her family, about Shaurya and Myra, and the decisions she had to make soon. Dev had tried to engage her in various mundane conversations and even forced her to watch a movie with him to get her mind off her worries. It had worked, and she’d fallen asleep wrapped around him.

But now, once again, she focused on her dilemma. She didn’t know how to proceed with him. There was so much unfinished between them. So much that needed clarification. She didn’t know how to begin untangling the knots of the past.

Dev took her hand and squeezed it gently. “Stop worrying about how you and I are going to continue. You figure out everything with your family first, and then we can decide what to do next.”

His care warmed her. She stared at their joined hands. Dev lifted her hand to his mouth, and his teeth grazed at the skin there. A shiver rolled through her, reminding her of how completely she’d given herself to him. She’d avoided thinking of that, choosing to focus on anything but that. However, seeing his lips on her skin and the heat swirling in his eyes, everything came rushing back. She’d given herself to him so thoroughly. Her heart lurched as she recalled how his mouth and hands had worked their magic on her body. Images of him above her, moving inside her, stormed her brain. Her breath hitched. His eyes latched onto her mouth. She moved closer to him; he did too.

His hands clasped her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Her mouth tipped up. He’d barely grazed her lips when the car came to a stop.

She gulped, looking to the side. They were outside the hospital, in the parking.

Dev was quietly watching her, his whiskey eyes swirling with the same need she felt.

She shifted, and he removed his hands from around her.

“Give me your phone,” she said.

Surprised, he handed it to her. She typed her number on it and made a call to herself.

“Now we have each other’s numbers,” she stated. “I’ll be in touch.”

He nodded.

She caressed his cheek. “Dev, thank you for doing this.”

“Come back to me, Avantika,” he said, softly.

She pulled him to her and kissed his mouth, unable to let go of him. She didn’t know what she felt for him yet, except that she did feel…something. He kissed her deeply, as if he wanted to imprint himself on her mind and heart. She finally drew back and watched him for a second before she rushed out of the car.

Just as she entered the hospital, she turned back. Dev had already gone. Her heart felt heavy suddenly. She didn’t understand why.

Ignoring the strange thickness in her chest, she headed to Myra’s room. She’d figure out everything later. Right now, she had to be there for Shaurya. He was her brother and her best friend, and she knew he needed her.

* * *

“Avi,”Aaryan called out the moment she turned a corner. She rushed to him, and he pulled her in his arms, holding her close. “I’ve been so worried about you.”

She clucked her tongue. “I’ve spoken to you daily. You know I’ve been well. Tell me about Myra first.”

“She’s sleeping. Shaurya’s with her inside.”

“Avi, you’re here!” Vihaan came to her from the other side. He was followed by his wife, Tiya, and Sanjana. He pulled her to his chest, holding her for a long moment. And then she met her sisters-in-law, hugging them each.

“How are you?” Vihaan asked. “That fucker didn’t hurt you, right?”