Page 2 of My Sinner

She smiled. “I’m looking forward to it too. I can’t wait to be independent, to travel and see the world.”

“I hope you remember to take me everywhere you go.”

“Of course, I don’t plan on traveling anywhere without you. In fact, for our first trip together, I want us to go to London.”


“I’ve been there with my family, and I loved it. I want to return with you someday.”

“Then someday we shall do that.”

He caressed her cheek. He loved her; she was certain of it, yet he maintained a distance between them, one she wanted to erase.

“You say that you have eyes only for me, yet you keep me away,” she complained. “Why?”

He pulled her close to him and circled around her slowly. “There’s no distance between us now, is there? It’s just you and me here, baby.”

She put her hands on her hips. “This is not enough, Dev.”

He frowned. “What do you mean?”

She lifted her jaw. “We’ve not kissed, even once.”

“Of course, we’ve kissed,” he said, halting in front of her.

“A tiny peck on the lips—is that your definition of a kiss?” She put her arms around his neck, moving her face closer to his. “Do you not know how to kiss? Should I teach you?”

His expression darkened. “Have you been practicing kissing with anyone else, Avantika?”

“What if I have?” she goaded.

“Give me his name and see what I do then.” Anger coated his words.

She smiled, wiping the frown from his forehead. “There is no one but you, Dev. But I have read enough romance novels to know that there is more to kissing than what we have done so far.”

His face relaxed, and his lips curved in a smile. “Always so curious, aren’t you?”

“Always so possessive, aren’t you?” she countered.

“With you, always. You are mine, only mine. You best remember that.”

Avantika leaned closer to him. “And you are only mine too. You best remember that too.”

She lowered his head to hers.

He stiffened. “Uh, what are you doing?”

“Teaching you to kiss.”

His eyes widened. “I know how to kiss.”

“Oh really? Why don’t you prove it then?”

He touched his forehead to hers. “Baby, I can’t.”

She frowned. “I see the way you look at me, Dev. Why are you holding back?”
