Page 118 of My Sinner

“Yes, I’m beyond delighted to finally marry you.”

“Your happiness is all that matters to me,” Dev said, lifting her hand to his lips. He nipped the soft skin on the top of her hand with his teeth.

Her breath hitched like always. She gave him a brilliant smile. She was all that had only ever mattered. She owned his heart, and now, so did Neil. It had taken him time, but he was finally where he wanted to be. Where he’d always belonged.

Vihaan’s housewas buzzing a few hours later, with everyone in good spirits. Avantika stood at the side, soaking in the happy atmosphere. Neil was watching a match on TV, and Rajiv’s kids were playing with blocks on the floor. Tiya, Sanjana, and Sheena were all sitting next to Myra, chatting. Myra still had a few months to deliver her baby. Opposite them, the men were all huddled together.

It warmed her heart to see Dev sitting beside her brothers and Rajiv. Aaryan’s arm was around his shoulder, and Vihaan was animatedly describing something to all of them. She watched them all laugh and tease Vihaan.

A sigh of happiness escaped her mouth.

This was what she’d imagined life to be like when she’d fallen in love with Dev at eighteen years of age. What once had felt like a broken dream was now her reality. The ring on her finger twinkled under the overhead lights. She stared at it for a long time, reliving several moments of the past and the present. The good and the bad. It was the bad that had finally brought her to where she was today and had given her this happiness.

Sanjana went to Aaryan and whispered in his ear.

He put his arm around her. “Now?”

She nodded.

“So, everyone, we have an announcement to make!” Aaryan said aloud.

Everyone looked at them.

“We just found out last night. Sanjana and I are going to have a baby.”

“Oh my God!” Avantika pulled Sanjana in a hug. “That’s great news. I’m so happy for you both.”

While everyone else was also congratulating Aaryan and Sanjana, Dev was busy glaring at Aaryan.

Aaryan flipped a hand out. “What is your problem now?”

“You got her pregnant?” Dev growled. “Why the hell haven’t you married her yet?”

Aaryan’s forehead marred. He pointed a finger at Neil and spoke softly. “Really? You’re tellingmethat?”

Dev glared at him. “I was too young then and an idiot. You’re older, and you’re supposed to be the wisest of us all.”

Sanjana scowled at Dev. “Hey, he’s asked me to marry him so often. I’m the one who hasn’t agreed because I wanted to wait until he was okay with you being there for the wedding.”

Dev’s brows shot up. He opened his mouth and closed it, looking overwhelmed by his sister’s words.

“Okay then. You’re marrying him tomorrow,” Dev announced.

Sanjana shook her head. “I want a nice wedding, and it isn’t happening tomorrow. Will you relax, Dev?”

Dev opened his mouth to say something, but Rajiv interjected. “Hey, guys, Sheena and I, too, have an announcement to make.”

“Are you also pregnant?” Tiya chirped.

Rajiv chuckled. “Not a bad idea. What say, Sheena?”

Sheena rolled her eyes. “Not even in your dreams, Rajiv. I’m quite satisfied with our two kids.”

“Anyway,” Rajiv continued. “That house in Arabian Greens that Dev had bought and returned toKeyStone… Well, Sheena and I are now the proud owners of that villa. We will move in there as soon as it gets done. Which means we’re going to be living closer to you guys.”

“Great,” Dev said. “Now you can return to me the advance I paid for it.”

“No chance in hell, Luthra,” Rajiv said. “I believe you didn’t want the money back fromKeyStone, and Aaryan offered it to me, deducting your advance, which was already paid. I got a steal deal on a fabulous property thanks to you.”