Page 112 of My Sinner

He faced Avantika and Vihaan again. “Therefore, I leave it to both of you to decide what you want to do with this house. I’m never returning here again.”

Avantika exhaled. “A house cannot be a home without good memories filling it. This was home, once. But not anymore. Hence, I agree with Aaryan. My home is with Dev and Neil. Dev and I have already discussed it, and we’d prefer to live in Dubai as well. We are going to move into the villa permanently.”

The night before, she and Dev had taken a call that they wanted to move back to Dubai. She and Neil had built a good life there, and she wanted to continue living there. Dev was absolutely okay with that. He claimed to be happy wherever Neil and she were. She’d decided on this even before seeing this house, but now her decision was absolute.

Avantika addressed Vihaan. “It’s yours if you want it, Vihaan.”

Vihaan stared at the house for a long moment.

Tiya pulled his head lower to face her. “Do you want this, Vihaan? If you do, say the word and I’ll move here in a blink. We’ll rebuild it, make it the way you want it. I just want you to be free of the past. To be happy.”

Vihaan’s eyes warmed as he looked at Tiya. “You’re the one who makes me happy. I am nothing without you.” He faced the rest of them. “It’s agonizing to stand here and remember all that has happened here. Even if I rebuild this, it will never give us what we lost. It won’t bring our parents back. Dubai is my home too. That city accepted us with open arms when we had nothing. It asked nothing from us and gave us everything we desired—safety, security, wealth, and happiness. I want to live with you all there as we have been. If Aaryan and Shaurya agree, I would also want to move into my villa permanently.”

“Then let’s do that,” Aaryan concurred. He turned to Shaurya. “Would you be okay with that?”

Shaurya put his arm around Myra. “I will go wherever you all go.”

“Dev?” Aaryan asked. “How do you feel about all of us living as neighbors?”

Dev grinned. “I couldn’t have asked for anything better.”

“What do we do with the house?” Avantika asked. “I can’t bear to leave it like this also. It just reminds me of dreams dashed, and hopes crashed.”

“What do you all recommend?” Aaryan asked everyone.

“The city council has been looking for land to build more parks,” Dev said. “You could donate this land to Shimla city. You could build a park here for children to play. We could name it after your parents.”

Vihaan swallowed thickly. “That sounds great.”

Aaryan nodded.

“Dev, will you arrange that for us?” Avantika queried, feeling overwhelmed by his suggestion. She knew it in her heart that her parents would love it.

“It will be my pleasure,” he replied with a warm smile.

She held her hand to him. “Good. Let’s go home then. To Dubai.”

He linked his hand with hers. “Let’s go home.”

Her life had come full circle. After years of torment, they all had found their peace.

The past had been laid to rest, and they all could now look into the future. A future that would only be filled with happiness.

She inhaled, and a faint scent of lavender filled her lungs. Ahead of her, Aaryan and Vihaan stilled. They all looked at one another in understanding. She touched her heart and whispered a word of thanks to her parents for watching over all of them.

They all walked forward hand in hand with the loves of their lives.


Two weeks later



Dinner’s at our place tonight.
