Page 107 of My Sinner

“I don’t know where he is,” Avantika replied. “He likes to visit this place, though.”

She sounded worried. Scared. Dev wanted to kill his uncle for putting her through that fear. Why? Why was his uncle doing this?

Dev and Aaryan crouched behind the thick foliage. He parted some leaves to help them see better. Two men were with his uncle. The three of them had their guns pointed at Avantika and Sanjana.

“Shit!” Aaryan cursed. “I wish Vihaan was here. He’s an expert with a gun. He never misses an aim, whereas my shooting skills are zero.”

“Same with me.”

A look of understanding passed between them.

“I’m going to them,” Dev announced.

Aaryan’s jaw clenched. “There seems to be no other choice.”

“I’m not sure what he wants from them or why he’s even behaving like this, but I’m sure it concerns me.”

“I’m going to them, too,” Aaryan said.

“Absolutely not. Wait here till Vihaan comes with the police. Those women are mine to protect.”

Aaryan gave him a scathing look. “They’re mine to protect too.”

Dev accepted. Of course, he’d considered Aaryan wouldn’t allow him to go alone. He had as much to lose as Dev did.

“Let’s go then,” Dev said.

“I only wish we knew how to shoot.”

Dev held his rifle in position. “We know that we can’t shoot; they don’t.”

Weapons raised, they walked out into the clearing. The two of them were the only hope for Avantika and Sanjana, and Dev would risk anything, even his life, to protect them.


Avantika’s heart stopped when Dev and Aaryan appeared in front of her, holding assault rifles. Rifles? What were they thinking? Did they even know how to work them? Aaryan, for sure, didn’t.

From beside her, Sanjana tensed. She gripped Avantika’s hand tightly.

Hearing them approach, the armed men with Dev’s uncle swung around and pointed their weapons at Dev and Aaryan. Dev’s uncle pointed the gun in Avantika’s direction.

Her pulse doubled.

Dev glanced her way.

“Neil?” she mouthed.

Dev nodded, assuring her. Thank God, her son was safe.

He faced his uncle.

“Hello, Uncle,” Dev said calmly. “I see you’ve taken Avantika and Sanjana hostage. Care to tell me why?”

“I’d love to chat, but it seems I’ve run out of time,” Raj Chauhan said. “I was hoping to make acquaintance with your son once before I killed him; unfortunately, I’ll have to change the plan now.”

“Which means you will kill all of us here and then go after my son,” Dev stated. “I’d really like to know why, though.”

Dev’s voice was steady. She took a deep breath. She assumed the two of them had some plan in motion; that could be the only reason they would have exposed themselves so easily to the enemy. She had to be strong for them. She had to.