Page 110 of My Sinner

Avantika chuckled. Dev pressed her closer and captured her lips again. Vihaan swore loudly. She was breathing hard when he finally released her.

Dev arched his brow at Vihaan.

“You truly are a bastard,” Vihaan cursed.

“And you need to wash your mouth with soap,” Dev retorted. “You curse too much. Do you know Neil’s right behind you?”

Vihaan immediately spun. His eyes darted all over the living room. He didn’t find Neil anywhere because Neil was up in his room talking to his friends on the phone, as Dev very well knew.

Vihaan glared at Dev. “Fucker, you scared me.”

“That was his intention,” Aaryan said. “I agree with him, though.”

“You really do curse a lot,” Shaurya concurred.

“Great, all of you be on his side,” Vihaan muttered.

“Babe, they are right,” Tiya added.

Vihaan rolled his eyes.

“We actually came because we wanted to talk to you about something,” Aaryan said.

Dev looked at all of them. “What about?”

“Well, the thing is,” Shaurya began. “We’ve been trying for days now to put theLuthra Inc. companies under theKeyStoneumbrella.”

“Okay. So? It’s bound to take time.”

Aaryan took over. “Yeah, but the three of us are already quite busy withKeyStone’s existing projects and the restaurants we own. We’re finding it hard to runLuthra well. Your portfolio of businesses is quite huge, and we truly appreciate how far you’ve taken them. But…”

“What he means,” Sanjana interjected, “is that all three of them are overworked, exhausted, and stressed. They hardly have any time for us. They’re always working, even while here in Shimla.” She splayed a hand encompassing Myra and Tiya. “We are done with it. We need our men back.”

“How can I help?” Dev asked. “I returned everything to them as promised. It was theirs, to begin with. I just built on top of what Uncle Rushabh had started.”

“But you could help them run it. You knowLuthra Inc.’s businesses like the back of your hand,” Tiya put forth.

Dev faced all of them. “What exactly are you all asking from me?”

“The problem is,” Shaurya continued, “that many of your old clients have declined to do business with us. Especially that Arab guy from London, Fayadi. He refuses to speak to anyone but you and has threatened to take his business elsewhere if you don’t front the marble export deal.”

“It’s the same for several other clients as well,” Vihaan said. “Everyone wants to talk only to you. And don’t even get me started on the staff. They all hold you in high esteem. I’ve heard several of them are talking about moving jobs because you’re not at the helm anymore.”

Dev smirked.

Vihaan narrowed his eyes. “You expected this to happen, right?”

Dev shrugged. “I’ve put my heart and soul into growingLuthra Inc.and taking it to where it is today. I have personal relationships with several of the major clients and my staff as well. Of course, I’d considered this might happen.”

Vihaan crossed his arms. “Is there something you haven’t considered?”

“Not really. Living with my father taught me to be prepared for all eventualities, always.”

“So, will you do it?” Aaryan asked. “Will you join us in runningKeyStone?”

“As what?” Dev checked. “What position will I hold? I refuse to work as anything less than an equal to you all.”

“We kind of expected that,” Shaurya said. “So, Vihaan and I came up with a suggestion. Currently, Aaryan is the Managing Director ofKeyStone; you and he can decide which one takes over as the Chairman and which one of you becomes the MD.”