Page 68 of Tattooed Sweetness

“Why not?”

Mareike is silent, and I laugh and lean down to her.

“Because, unlike him, you think I’m dangerous. No, don’t deny it, I know that look, that prejudice.” I breathe out my contempt. “Let’s hope you’re not wrong.” With that, I ditch her.

20. Don’t Push toHootingly


It’s crazy how time flies…

I’m standing at the window of my office, looking out at the trees at the edge of the parking deck. Icy autumn wind tears the last brightly colored leaves from their branches, and I warm my fingers on my coffee cup.

Summer, and with it the roller coaster ride of my feelings about Philipp, is long gone. In the meantime, autumn has also taken its leave in favor of the pre-Christmas season.

After we had a fight, Pauline and I were not on speaking terms for quite some time.

Does she really think I would have been so stupid as to imagine Philipp’s obvious interest in her?

Oh my God! I’m not fifteen anymore! She could trust me with a bit more life experience if she wants to be my best friend…

For Kevin, the differences between Pauline and me were, of course, grist for his mill of eternal reproaches: That I had long since outgrown thischildish sandbox friendshipand just hadn’t wanted to notice it.

With the now-empty coffee cup in my hand, I stroll back to my desk.

My gaze wanders over the photos in silver frames, and suddenly I feel the urgent need to talk to Aunt Mareike on the phone.

She didn’t say a word about my having lent the grand piano to Philipp. But things were not entirely free of tension between us after the opening party for Philipp’sDesert Ink. Her look spoke whole libraries about the degree of her disapproval.

But Mareike can’t really be angry with me. At least, not for long.

Full of enthusiasm, I plop down on my desk chair, spin around, and check my schedule on the computer.Great. A good hour of idle time. Perfect to call my aunt. We have to start planning the Christmas holidays anyway…

Before I can change my mind, I grab the handset.

Dial tones indicate that the connection is being established. A toot sounds, then a crackling.

“Met meneerBrinkhorst,” Horst answers.

“MetCeline,” I reply. Then I switch to German. “I’m glad I caught you. I was afraid Mareike and you were out.”

He laughs. “Well, she’s making the little town unsafe while I hold the fort here.”

His mirth infects me. I smirk. “Did you end up lending her your credit card? Uh-oh, Horst! Then you can’t complain when she empties your account while you’re strolling through the boutiques…”

“Ha, as if she could do that!” Horst pretends to be indignant. “But apart from that, she only has an appointment at the hairdresser. And at the beauty salon that opened across the street.”

Shall I tell Horst that such things can be even more expensive than buying clothes for ladies of advanced age? Better not…

He seems to misunderstand my silence. “Yes, I’m sorry you weren’t able to catch her. Would you like me to tell her to call back?”

“No. I’m glad I have you on the line!” On some topics, it’s easier to get an agreement with him. “Since it’s not two weeks away, I wanted to inquire if we’ll leave everything as it was?” Which would mean booking a room at theCourt Room.

“Christmas…” A scraping sound reaches my ear.

I can see Horst ruffling his thick gray hair right in front of me, and I laugh. “Do you have other plans?”How many times have I suggested to Aunt Mareike that she should do as the Americans do and spend the winter somewhere in the south?

“A six-week cruise,” Horst explains. “I’ve splashed out on Central America, the Caribbean, and the Caribbean states of South America for us. We’re leaving next week. Hence, I guess, the need for your aunt’s currentmakeover.”