Page 26 of Tattooed Sweetness

“Mmm.” Instead of answering, I raise my cup to my mouth.

She parks a stuffed grocery bag on the countertop and begins shuffling its contents onto shelves and into cabinets at whim. She can’t follow a system, as chaotic as she is. “Anyway, why don’t you get an alarm system?”

Holy shit! How many times do I have to explain it to her?“Because I’m saving up the money for the new parlor.”

Bella raises her plucked eyebrows. “I was really hoping this was just some quirk of yours. But with your tattoo, you’ve emphatically proven me wrong.” She snaps up the coffee maker’s lever, tosses the used pads in the trash, and inserts two fresh ones. “How’s the healing going?”

I set down the latte and tug at the left pant leg until the silhouette is exposed. “I can’t complain.” The tattoo is fresh, yet no longer a wound.

“Although I can’t even grasp the basics of your sudden enthusiasm for this stupid-ass town…” Bella pulls a face, places her favorite cup under the coffee spout, and presses the two-cup button. “…I have to admit, it looks gorgeous. And you really scribbled it on without a plan?”

“Hello, no!” I laugh. “I’m not ahori-shi, just tattooing on the fly!” I have to admit, though, I envy these Japanese artists and their traditional skills.

“I can’t do it,” Bella states with regret in her voice. “You know I’ve tried many times, but I don’t have the talent.” With a decisive wave of her hand, she drinks her double espresso.

“Don’t say that,” I counter. “Your strengths lie in your detailed preliminary sketches. And in the fact that you transfer them perfectly to the skin.”

“Sweet of you to try to lift my spirits.” She gives me a wry smile and grabs the ashtray. “I’ll go ahead and put it out. In the meantime, will you start up the computer and printer?”

I follow her into the front room, pull the Ikea swivel chair out from under the table, and plop down in it. Out of the corner of my eye, I make sure all traces of my nocturnal campsite have been removed. Then I enter the password.

Bella has flipped theOpen—Closedsign and comes over to me, swinging her hips. “I miss you,” she says, looking at me with a pout.

“Mmm.”I don’t miss her like that at all, though.Not wanting to dwell on my feelings toward her, I gaze at the screen with extreme concentration.

Now she’s leaning forward, letting me take a peek into her V-neck.

Of course, my subconscious acted before I could catch on. I find myself staring at the grapefruit-sized curves of her breasts. Jolly Jumper in my pants rejoices. And once again, I picture my withered music teacher in my mind’s eye to curb my desire.

“Do you miss me too?” Bella breathes in her most seductive voice, making her breasts bounce by tensing her chest muscles.

Not exactly.If I’m honest, I enjoy sleeping in the parlor. Well, except for the very thin sleeping pad…

She grabs my mouse hand. “Come on, Philly, it’s just you and me. You can admit it…”

Slowly, not wanting to hurt her, I pull my hand from under her fingers. I must reveal to her that I, for my part, have broken up already. To call the occasion fitting is not at all accurate. But it’s never been less unfavorable than it is right now.

“What’s wrong with you, Philly?” Bella straightens up. “Come on, spit it out! You’ve been in such a weird mood for a while now—but since you started sleeping here, it’s gotten worse.”

I prop my elbows on the edge of the table, clasp my hands, and rest my chin on them. My gesture elicits a double raise of her eyebrows.

She twitches the tip of her nose. “Does this mean I’d better find a place to sit?”

I nod.

As she drops into the corner of the sofa, I get up to sit across from her in one of the chairs.

How do I begin?Taking a deep breath, I let my knuckles crack. “Spending the night here has given me time to think about one thing or another.”

“Uh-huh,” Bella says, her mouth puckering.

“You do realize that you and I have had our share of difficulties living together…” Cautiously, I feel my way forward, but the very first sentence makes her flare up venomously.

“Had?” Her voice almost cracks. “Did you just sayhad?” She snorts. “Did you just ice-cold break up with me, Philipp?” The fact that she forgoes her nickname for me illustrates how pissed off she is.

I could bite myself in the ass for my carelessness.Fuck!“I didn’t mean to put it so harshly,” I try to explain. “But… now when it’s out. Yes, we lived together, and no, it was anything but trouble-free. Wasn’t it?”

Thank goodness Bella isn’t crying, I couldn’t bear that right now. “I know, Philly…” Her lower lip quivers as she jumps to a response. “The Chaos Queen and Mr. Accurate clash at every opportunity.”