Well, shoot… guess that answers that question.

Chapter Eight


“Are you sure we should go in there? He seemed really mad. I can get us out of here with my magic. We can just go and live happily ever after,” Mazzy frets as she hangs onto my arm, biting her lip.

“It will all be fine, I promise,” I tell her as we walk across the bridge toward the huge black castle up ahead. The whole way, I hear my little fairy muttering to herself and Ican’t help but smile.

“Maybe if I shrink down to my size, I’ll look small and innocent enough. He’ll feel sorry for me. He’ll leave us alone and just let us go back to the surface. Hewouldn’t hurt Ezra for no reason, right? I mean, he was the one that ordered my kidnapping. What if he tries to take me away from Ezra? No, Iwon’t let that happen. I’ll get us back to earth in seconds flat. Then we can go on the run. We will be like Bonnie and Clyde, but without the killing part. That documentary was so good. When I get back home, I’m going to watch more TV. I feel like there is so much I could learn. Like how to live on the run.”

I swear, with each mumble, I fall more and more in love with her. When we make it to the bright red double doors of the castle, Idon’t even knock; just push right on in. I hear yelling from the great hall and know Hades is there. I pull Mazzy in that direction.

“Now! Please, who wants to start fucking explaining why the underworld is in complete and utter chaos? Why do we have demons growing flowers, making rainbows over the hellfire, and adding collars to and grooming the fucking hounds of hell?” Hades roars over all the generals of his underworld army.

“Sir, it started in the marketplace. People started eating some of the food from the vendors, and then suddenly they were… happy. Like the food just awoke the happiness deep inside. At least that’s how it was explained to me. I don’t know what is happening or what could cause this,” Vladehar explains, looking completely perplexed.

The more he talked, the further Mazzy scooted behind me. I look at her over my shoulder and see a guilty expression on her face. She is biting both lips between her teeth, and it hits me like a hammer to the head. All that popping in and out while walking through the marketplace.

“Were you adding ingredients at the marketplace, squirt?” I smirk at her wince, and raise a brow when she looks up at me from under her eyelashes. I roll my eyes at her but still can’t help the chuckle as I pull her close to my side.

“I think I know where the chaos was coming from, my lord,” I say, looking up at Hades. He looks at me over his shoulder before his angry eyes turn to Mazzy. I don’t like the way he is glaring at her. Lord, best friend or not; I will fight to the death for my little fairy.

“Everyone out!” he barks, turning back to the room full of demons. They turn and make their way out, but not fast enough for my lord.

“NOW!” he barks again, and they nearly kill each other to get out of the door. The minute the doors are closed behind them, I watch Hades take a deep breath and turn back to us.

“Sorry about that. Just have to be sure someone wasn’t trying to plan an uprising… or that my brothers weren’t fucking with me again.” He grumbles the last part. I remember the last time they tried to fuck with Hades. They sent a few Nymphs down here to “decorate” the place. I will never forget the revenge we got on them. Makes me chuckle just thinking about it.

“I’m sorry for messing things up for you down here, sir. I just like making people happy with my cooking,” Mazzy says, looking down at her feet as they shuffle back and forth.

“So you were able to do all that, and you weren’t in the marketplace for more than an hour.” Hades’ eyebrows raise to his hairline. No, he doesn’t have flaming blue hair. It’s a dark midnight brown, but it is so dark that there is a tint of blue to it.

“I swear, I just sprinkled a few herbs,” she says defensively. Hades chuckles before walking closer. He takes in the positions we are standing in. Mazzy holds onto me for dear life, my body slightly curved in front of her, protecting her from harm. I expect to see surprise, anger, or even disappointment, but what I see surprises me. Happiness, he’s happy that I’m happy. I shouldn’t be surprised.

“Well, no offense, little lady, but I think I will have to kick you out of the underworld.” He sighs heavily, but I can see the teasing in his eyes.

“Wait! You’re banning me from the underworld?” Mazzy asks indignantly. She takes a step away from me to stomp her foot and slam her hands on her hips. “Well, if you’re banning me, then you’re banning Ezra too! We’re mates now. Where I go, he goes.”

“Is that so?” Hades asks, turning to look at me.

“Sorry, boss. The lady is right. I’ll follow her to the ends of this realm and every one after that if she asks me to.” I tell him. I see his face soften, and for the first time in a long time, I see the regret on his face.

I’m so sorry, my friend… Ican’t allow this. I can’t let you go,” he tells me, and I feel like my blackened heart thuds to a stop. Hades is the one being in all of existence who could stop me from following my mate. My creator, my boss, my best friend. I just never thought he would crush my soul like this. He was the last person in existence I thought would take this happiness away from me.

I have given him my life, loyalty, and everything, and this is what I get in return? More darkness.

Chapter Nine


“I just got him!” I hear Mazzy scream from beside me. “I just got him, and he claimed me! You can’t tear us apart. I refuse to allow it. I’ll kill you myself if you try to keep him from me.”

I look at Mazzy and can feel the power coming from her. Her anger is pushing her magic, and I see sparks shooting from her fingertips. I look back at Hades and see the softness in his expression.

“I’m not trying to break you two apart, little one, but Ezra is a creature of darkness. Born and bred in the coals and fire of this land. He can not survive in such light for long. He can only thrive in the darkness,” Hades explains, and I realize now he was never trying to keep us apart. He was trying to save his best friend.

“Oh, is that all?” Mazzy says, instantly cooling and smiling wide, bouncing on her feet. “Then that won’t be a problem.”