“What do you mean?”

“One of my associates, Horcason, mated to a dragon about seven hundred years ago. He had been so lonely that he stayed in his dragon form for so long it was hard for him to keep his human form. When they mated and the dragon bit into Horcason’s shoulder, leaving his mark, and consuming his blood, he gained some of his power. Including the ability to stay in human form as long as he wanted to,” Ezra tells me, looking at me with a worried expression.

“Oh, that sounds like a perfect plan. Why do you look hesitant?” I ask, rubbing my hand over his cheek.

“Because it would seal you to me for all of eternity. No going back, you and me forever. Idon’t want that to be forced on you,” he says. I smile sweetly up at him.

Wanting to take care of me for all of eternity. Why would he think that would sound bad to me?

“Just another reason I love you. Wanting to protect me, even if it were to physically kill you… But whycan’t you get it through your big head? I want that more than anything.” I whisper the last part as I lean up to kiss him.

He takes over the kiss, ravaging my mouth, nipping at me and taking full control. It has me wanting to surrender every bit of myself to him. Oh, and I will… soon. First, I’ll have a bit of fun.

I pull back until his mouth chases mine, bringing my nails up to his shoulders. I scrape the tough skin as hard as I can with my nails. Ezra throws his head back and roars with pleasure at the pain my markings cause. I lean up and bite one of his dark nipples.

He looks down at me with near fire in his eyes, grabbing me by the back of the head and slamming back onto the pillows. He thinks he’s taking over and I’m ready to relish in all of his demands… almost. He leans back in for a hard kiss, and I knowit’s time. He said I needed his blood. We will be mated forever, he will bemineforever. I want that and I want it now. I grab his lip and bite until I feel the drops on my tongue, moaning at the smoky flavor that is all him. I barely hear the snarl and moan, but I definitely feel the rumble of his chest on my bare nipples. I press them closer to his chest, wanting the friction, needing it, needing him.

Automatically, I feel the power from his blood flowing through me.It’s like a shot of adrenaline. Like a bucket load of endorphins raining down, piercing my skin everywhere.

“I need you. In me, in me now. Please. So empty, it hurts,” I beg, thrusting my hips up to him. Clawing at his skin, writhing and begging for more.

“Fuck, my little fairy. I need to get you ready. I need to stretch you.” He moves down my body, but Ican’t take it. I can’t wait. I feel like I’m on fire. Flames are licking up my body, my clit throbbing so hard, so sensitive, I feel like I will blow if he breathes near me.

“I’m ready now. Please, I’m ready.”

“Fuck, I want to give you everything you need. Fuck baby,” he says, leaning up onto his knees and taking his dark red, huge, thick cock into his hands. He pulls on it a few times before white cream drips from the tip. Idon’t hesitate, needing, craving a taste. I reach out with a finger and swipe it over the round head of his cock before sucking off his juices, moaning around his finger.

“Mother fucker,you’re going to make me blow before I even get inside of you.” Ezra snatches my ankle, bringing one leg over his shoulder before lining up his cock with my entrance. I feel him push in an inch before groaning and falling forward, slamming his mouth onto mine.

“You’re so tight, little one. I’m so scared of hurting you.” He’s breathing hard, in and out, and I can’t take it anymore.

“Ezra, mate, please fuck me. I need you. I need it. Youwon’t hurt me when I’m craving you, craving this so much. Please, just do it already.” I nearly cry at the pleasure-pain of this drug-like state his blood has caused in me. It’s taking over everything. Taking over all my senses. I feel so much, every breeze, every piece of hair from his body, I feel it on mine. As he pushes his cock deeper and deeper into me, I feel every ridge sliding into me. Every swirl of raised skin, every vein, every little detail. I can feel the blood pumping through the veins in his cock as he thrust all the way home inside of me.

“Yes!” I nearly scream, an orgasm running through me as I feel him hit my cervix. White lights dance throughout my vision, making me wonder if I really am in hell or if maybe this is the afterlife, Olympus. No, wait, you have to be a god to go there. Fuck.

“That’s right, my little fairy. Come all over my cock, milk me for my seed. I’ll give it to you, all of it.You’re going to take it too,aren’t you?” he growls into my ear. My body is so on fire I feel a drop of sweat roll down my face. Ezra is there, his long, ridged tongue gliding up the side of my face, causing me to shake once more.

“Ican’t take it, baby. I need a taste. Just a little one, promise,” he tells me before suddenly pulling out of me. Before I can scream in agony, his hands are wrapped around my waist, flipping me to my stomach, and bringing me to my knees. A second later, I feel his hot, wet tongue take a swipe from my clit all the way to my ass, making me moan even louder. Just as I am getting addicted to his tongue, he pulls away before lining up and slamming back into me. He thrust a few times before leaning over me, grabbing my hair, and turning my head, so his mouth is pressed to my ear.

“Next time, baby, I’m taking that delectable ass. I want to own every fucking inch of you,” he says, giving me a soft kiss right under my ear. So at odds with how he is slamming in and out of me. So hard with certain touches, but feather light with others. I can’t take all the sensations. The fire is coming to an all-out extreme, and Idon’t know if I’ll survive the burnout.

Just as I’m about to pull away, Ezra slams into me once more while slowly inserting his thumb into my ass. That does it; that has me blowing completely. The fire drains from me, like cold snow slowly flailing on my skin and putting out the flames with a soft, calm coolness.

“Fuck baby, squeeze me so good. AH!!” Ezra roars as he pumps his release deep inside me.

“I love you so much, squirt,” he says, breathing heavily but pulling me into his embrace.

Just as I’m about to respond, the pounding on the doors starts. It sounds like the whole cave wall is going to collapse.

“Ezra, get your mother fucking ass to the castle NOW!” I hear roared through the walls.

“Oh no. Who is that?” I ask, worried for my demon. Ezra just rolls his eyes and sighs.


I feel the color drain from my face. The God of the underworld? He seems so angry. I wonder who his ire is with.

“Oh, and bring that fucking fairy you got in there or heads or going to roll!”