“Oh my gosh, what is that heavenly smell?” I ask Ezra, sniffing the air again.

“Oxeterian Sacezz.It’s a popular meal here. Basically venison.” Ezra shrugs. “Want to try some?”

“Oh my gosh, yes!!!! Please!” I beg. Ezra walks up to a booth and mumbles something to the demon under the tent. I stay behindEzra’s big horn, not wanting to cause any trouble… well, anymoretrouble. The demon brings a clay pot back, and Ezra takes it.

“Charge to my account, Vektill,” he tells the demon before moving back and to the side of the tent. We’re in between two tents, giving us some sense of privacy.

“Alright, squirt, come on down here and try this really quick,” Ezra tells me. Idon’t waste any time. Food is my life, always has been. To taste demon food has me nearly coming out of my skin with excitement.

“There is no human meat in this, right?” I ask before I taste the huge spoon he’s lifted in front of my face. The spoon is bigger than a bathtub when I’m this size.

“Only animal meat, squirt. Promise.”

With his assurance, I lean in and take a taste.

“Mmm…” I say, leaning back.

“Is that a good mmm or a bad one?” he asks, chuckling.

“Oh,it’s good. Really good…” I trail off.

“Butt?” he questions.

It’s missing something,” I tell him honestly. It’s missing my spices. Just something to make it zing, to make you remember the good times. Oh, I know exactly which herbs I need and they are in my fairy pouch in my greenhouse. I look down at my belt, wondering if it would work. Shrugging because ya never know until you try. I tap the bells in a specific order, close my eyes, imagine my greenhouse and poof.

“Oh yay! It actually worked!” I do a little jump wiggle before flying to the large table in front of my fountain. Once I grab it, I look back down at my belt anddon’t hesitate before tapping another melody, closing my eyes, and imagining the scene I just left. In an instant, I’m back in the underworld and on Ezra’s shoulder.

“Hey! Where the hell did you go? And where did you get that bag?” he asks, looking down at the satchel in my hand.

“Just some spices from my greenhouse. I just popped back up there real quick to grab this.” His face shows his surprise, his jaw hanging open. Before he can close it, I quickly fly over to the grill covered in meat. Quickly, I sprinkle some spices over the meat and smile at the light glow of red. This should give these demons some happiness, too. I turn and fly back to Ezra.

“Stop doing that!” he barks.

“Doing what?”

“Popping in and out. Here and there. Ican’t protect you if you keep getting away from me!” I can see the panic on his face. He is looking in every direction, ensuring no danger is surrounding or following me.

I wonder if demons know about soulmates? That other half of you, designed to make you better, to keep you steady, to love you through everything? Do demons have those? Wedon’t know a lot about demons since they are so dangerous and bloodthirsty, but Ihaven’t seen murder, danger, or hatred coming from Ezra, not once. Well, not directed at me.

I almost positive demons can have soul mates… and I wonder if Ezra knows he’s mine?

Chapter Six


I’m going to go mad, insane, murderous. My blood is pumping through my body, my monster ready to climb out and take what I want and what I want… my little fairy. I want to take her, claim her, but mostly love and protect her.

“You knowyou’re really sexy when you’re all growly and broody like that,” Mazzy says, swinging her eyes in every direction, trying to take it all in. Just as I go to open my mouth and respond, she flies away again, only to return seconds later with rosy cheeks and a bright smile.

“Woman! Stop doing that!” I growl.

“I’m just trying to spread the Christmas spirit!” she replies cheerily.

“Demonsdon’t celebrate Christmas,” I grumble to her, quickening my pace through the market.

Hopefully, I can get us out of here before she finds another demon to ‘help’. She gasps dramatically and I want to smile at her dramatics, but I need to keep my tough exterior out here. These fuckers sense weakness and they will pounce. I could take on all these fuckers, but I refuse to put my fairy in the middle of danger.

“How do you not celebrate one of the happiest times of the year on earth?” she asks, sounding devastated.