I wanted to smile, too. I like she picked on me, that she tried to throw me off my feet. Being alive as long as I have, being the right hand to the God of the underworld, peopledon’t challenge me much anymore. Well, theydidn’t and live long. Even the fights had gotten boring, though. None of the demons vying for my position, wanting to kill me to get closer to their god, were worthy of more than five minutes of my time. But this little fairy, she was challenging me, keeping me on my toes. Shehadn’t acted at all like I had imagined.

“I was just wondering how bubbly and bright you are going to be when you get your first good look at the underworld.” I grinned down at her, not wanting to scare my tiny fairy when she realized Ididn’t have any intention of bringing her back.

“Oh, my bubbly and bright never go away. Best you know that now. Anyway, do I have to stay in here the whole time? I bet the view from your horns is way better!You’re so tall! Are all demons as friendly as you?” I wanted to scoff at that question. The truth is,I’m not friendly at all. Well, I never have been before. Shedidn’t stop her rambling, though, not even for me to answer her questions.

“How long do I get to stay? How big is the place? Do I get to see it all? How long will it take us to get there? Will I get to meet the God of the underworld?”

“Do you want me to answer your questions or just keep listening to you ramble? Idon’t mind, just need to know my place.” I chuckle at her indignant look. She crosses her arms and lifts her nose in the air, turning to face to the side.

“Sorry my excitement annoys you,” she says, sniffing in indignation.

“Annoy is not the right word, squirt. I’ll try to remember all of you questions. First, we are almost to the portal that will take us back to the underworld. We will gateway down and I can teleport, or shimmer as we like to call it, to the castle instead of walking through the square and marketplace. Yes, you will get to meet Hades, as he was the one who requested your talents. You will stay in there until I know youcan’t escape, which will be in the underworld. The only way back from the underworld is through the portal; they will know not to let you through. No, demons are not friendly. None of us are.” I give her a warning look, worried she will go looking for some trouble with a less understanding demon. “What was your last question? Oh, could you sit on my horns?”

That question has got my dick standing from hard to granite in a millisecond with the images it created. I looked through the glass at my fairy and deepened my voice.

“Mazzy, you can sit on my face anytime.” I winked at her and heard the hitch in her breath, the quickening of her pulse, and the lust in her eyes.

“I said horn, big boy, but given a chance, I might just ride your face too,” she smarted back, and it was my turn to catch my breath and pull back on the lust her words caused to rocket through my entire being. I think I finally met my match, and fuck, what a damn match!

I shake my head, close my eyes, and shimmer to the portal in the St. Louis Cemetery.

“Seriously? A cemetery, how cliche. I swearit’s like I’m in an episode of Buffy. Watch out for Spike, big guy! He might come to try to take me away! Well, that was my dream last year when one of my waitresses would put on the reruns on her tablet on the slow days at the restaurant. Have you ever seen it? Oh wait, are there tvs in the underworld? Is there technology at all?” She continued talking as I walked through the graves, finally making it to the right crypt and using my magic to open the door.

I walked inside and made my way to the very back of the wall. There was an old vase with well-past dead flowers. I pulled out a flower I had picked from Mazzy’s garden and placed it in the concrete flower pot. The flower wilted as it was drained of life and the flowerpot and stand it was set on started turning and lowering into the ground. When it was fully below our feet, it was closed into the floor and a doorway behind the alcove where the flower pot was just seconds ago appears. I walked through and was immediately engulfed in the heat of my homeland. I took in a deep breath, smelling the brimstone and sulfur.

“Oh my gosh, what the heck was that? What did you do to that flower?” Mazzy asks, standing and placing her hands on her hips.

“A life must be drained for you to enter the underworld. Would you have rather it been you than the flower?” I asked, raising a brow.

“I would have rather not come at all if it meant anything was drained of its life force,” she says in a huff, turning her head to the side and crossing her arm. “There are other ways to portal down,” she mumbles that last part.

“What was that?” I ask, wanting to know what she means by that last statement. Her eyes shoot wide and I know shedidn’t mean for me to hear that last part.

“Nothing. Oh my gosh, look at that! Is that a demon marketplace? How neat is that! Can we go? I want to see what all this is about. Oh, can you take me out of here now? You said you would let me ride on your horns when we got down here! You promised!Can’t go back on your word.”

Ican’t help the chuckle that comes out of her rambling. She really is the most curious creature, and I think I’m a complete goner. I look up and catch a few of my underlings looking at me in complete and utter shock. I forgot I was smiling. Instantly, the smile falls from my face and my scowl returns. I growl, and they are smart enough to scurry away. Fuck, I forgot where I was for a moment. I now need my position as Hades second in command more than ever, if only to protect my fairy.

“Alright, squirt, I’ll let you out, but you have to promise to stick close anddon’t look any of these fuckers in the eyes.Don’t talk,don’t move, just sit there and eyes to the ground,” I explain. I can nearly feel the eye-roll coming from her and automatically know we will have issues. This is going to be hell, literally.

Chapter Five


Keeping his promise, Ezra released me from my prison and placed me softly on one of his horns. I grabbed onto one of the metal piercings running through his horns and decided to see if I could get him to laugh again. I threw one hand in the air and, mimicking a cowboy, yelled “yeehaw” and, of course, it worked. I could hear his chuckle.

“Okay, cowgirl, remember what I said. Keep your eyes down anddon’t bring attention to yourself. I’ll give you a tour of the market, but then we have to head to the castle,” Ezra says, walking down the black path. I guess you could call it a road, but it looked like a long black road, smooth from use. From the portal, I got a pretty good layout of the place. There are caves in the very distance, with holes I’m guessing are doorways. So they live in caves… Huh.

There is a black bridge in front of us that leads to what are about a hundred tents spread out. On either side of the bridge is lava. It flows in beautiful, dangerous rivers throughout the space. It’s actually pretty beautiful if youdon’t think about falling in. Good thing fairies can fly.

I mimic zipping my mouth shut, even though hecan’t see me, before he moves forward. With Ezra’s large size and long strides, itdoesn’t take long before we reach the marketplace and wow, am I surprised. It looks like an old market you would think came from medieval times. Demons at every tent selling charms, clothing, spices, and spells.

Oh no, I think I might be sick. I hold my stomach as a demon rings the neck of a chicken. That poor baby. In the back of the tent, I see the demon has a cage with four more chickens.

I look around, look down at Ezra, and decide I have to do something. As quickly as possible, I zip over to the cage, flip the latch and crack the door open just a little before flying back to my position on Ezra’s horn. Hedidn’t even realize I was gone. Did I mention fairies are fast flyers? Like really, really fast. It took me only a couple of seconds to get my task completed and get back.

“How the fuck did you get out?” I hear roared from the tent. The chickens have taken to running in a million different directions trying to get away.

Don’t let them pass!” the demon screams, and suddenlyit’s chaos. Demons running, trying to capture the chickens, some trying to eat them. I stare wide-eyed, realizing I probably just started a riot in the underworld. Ican’t hold the giggle as Ezra keeps moving through the crowd, ignoring the fighting behind us. I take a whiff of the air.