Page 68 of The Chase

“Okay… This sounds like trouble.”

Colt pursed his lips. “ Honestly, it is. Hang up now and go back to sleep if you wanna stay out of it-”

“Ha! No chance. At fucking last. Just what I was hoping for. I’m bored out of my fucking mind. Get me out of here and get me in fucking trouble with a capital T.”

Colt smiled. He liked Ash. “Meet me in the driveway in five,” Colt instructed. “And there is one other thing I want you to get for me…”

* * *

After talking to Ash,Colt hung up and shoved the phone back in his pocket. He jogged up the steps now of his cabin and opened the door. He slunk over to the bed, that giant white cloud of heaven that had been something so good Colt had never thought he’d have in his life. There she was. April, fast asleep. Blonde hair splayed out on the pillow, face peaceful, gentle breaths. He took this moment, right now, to appreciate her. He almost had everything. He wasn’t sure what would happen now. But right here, right now, for these final few seconds, he still had April. For a few seconds longer, they existed in this happy bubble.

Now he needed to burst it.

He came up to her, buckled down onto his knees by her side of the bed. He gently caressed her forehead with his thumb. Cupped her cheek with his palm. Her eyelids fluttered open, as she calmly took him in, in front of her. She didn’t startle, just blinked up at him. Fully trusting him. Fully loving him. Colt was hit by the enormity of what he had to lose if he wasn’t careful.

If he didn’t play his cards right. Or his chess pieces.

“April,” he breathed, aware he probably smelled of cigarettes and whatever booze Miles had consumed and breathed all over him.

She simply smiled up at him and reached up for him. He knew there wasn’t time, but he knew he couldn’t resist her, either. He bent forward, brushed his lips over hers. They were warm, sleep swollen, ripe. He groaned and kissed her, loving the feel of her lips kissing him back. Then she opened her mouth. Her warm tongue invaded his mouth, taking him, owning him. He let her, welcomed her, bit her lip slightly begging her not to go. She groaned now, and shifted in bed, pulling him down, pulling him in. For a moment he was tempted to fall. To just tumble down on top of her. To kiss her, love her, lose himself in her. To spend the night in her embrace, and continue as they had done. Doing yoga, eating, fucking, sleeping. Bliss, unburdened bliss.

But no, he knew he couldn’t. The MC was closing in. So far just the drunk guy and a prospect. Hopefully they were out of action for a good few hours. But Colt didn’t know how many others were nearby. How had they found them? Was it Blue, had he snitched on them? No, Colt dismissed that thought as soon as it crossed his mind. The conversation they’d overheard a few weeks ago suggested one of the MC members had connections that he was using for intel…

“April, we gotta go,” Colt breathed. April moved in the bed, making room for him. The beautiful soft bedding rustled, whispering invitingly to Colt.

“No, Kitten, the MC are in town. We gotta move.”

She went rigid then, wide eyed.

“What? Here?” she stammered.

Colt took her hand off the back of his neck. “Yeah, Kitten, in town, only two guys so far, but we’re going.” He kissed her hand.

She rubbed her face with the other palm and then pulled herself up. “We need to pack-”

“No time, listen Kitten, Ash is getting a car. He’s going to drive the van outta here, create a diversion, drive a different route,” Colt said through gritted teeth.

“Where are we going?” she asked, flinging off the duvet.

She was naked. Colt bit his lip, sitting back on his heels, giving her space to get up. He felt like he was on his knees, praying to his goddess. He was. April was his goddess. Colt felt his cock flaring up in his jeans despite the imminent danger they were in. She threw on the leggings and T-shirt she’d been wearing earlier, then she turned to him.

Colt gulped with a throat as dry as the Sahara. “I was thinking, maybe I should lead them away, and Ash could get you a taxi, get you to safety, Blue could get you into witness protection-”

April held up a hand, stopping him. “No chance, I’m not leaving you Colt, if we go, we go together, we run together, we fight together.”

Colt breathed and he felt like heaven breathed with him. “April… you deserve so much more…”

“I don’t want more, I just want you. Now stop fucking around Colt, we don’t have time for this,” she said authoritatively.

He gulped. Yeah. That was his fucking brave, strong lioness talking now. “Colt, just shut up, let’s get in the car and drive us out of here.”

“Okay. Okay,” he huffed. “Where do you want to go?” he asked.

“Where do I want to go?” She repeated his question. She used her fingers to comb through her hair, then started tying it up in a messy bun. “I want to go back to the clubhouse and I want to tell them all to fuck off and leave us alone. I want to chase them back, chase them down,” she said, the lioness in her roaring, staking a claim, laying down the gauntlet. He fucking loved it.

“Then let’s ride,” Colt replied.

April was perched in the passenger seat, eyeing the inky night suspiciously. He had caught her up on what Miles said. The MC guys were close, in the town. A few members anyway. She couldn’t believe it, she had felt so safe. The view across the lake that she had looked out at fondly, she now watched with suspicion. Colt hadn’t turned the headlights on. April wasn’t sure if that was necessary but she’d not said anything. Colt had his saddle bag slung in the back still. Both pairs of her fuck shoes in there. He was such a sentimental soul. He’d never admit to it though.