She watched with an open mouth as he ripped the foil wrapper off his burger with one swipe, opened his mouth wide and took a huge bite. April was reminded of a T Rex in one of those dinosaur movies, ripping it’s teeth into a hunk of meat, tossing it back to swallow it.
She gaped like a fish for a second. Then sniffed up her threatening tears and nodded frantically. Then remembered they were in the dark and found her voice. “Yes, Colt.”
She followed his lead, clawing at the foil around her warm burger, and finally sunk her teeth into the fluffy bun. Juicy meat, cheese and a pickle relish filled her mouth and she groaned out loud at the explosion of flavors.
Colt had his half devoured burger in one hand, and reached out his other hand toward her. He snagged her jeans and popped them open.
“Some days I may be quiet, I may be a fucking moody bastard. I’m sorry, that’s who I am. It’s not going to be all sunshine and rainbows, Kitten, but don’t you forget how I feel about you. Ignore me when I’m in a mood. I’m sorry, but that’s not something that’s going to change anytime soon. And at the same time, I’ll put up with your shit, too, okay, when you want to yell at me or huff at me or tell me off for being a moody bastard who has told you to go back in the house.”
She nodded, the emotional turmoil within her calming. Changing realms from intangible thoughts to tangible heat.
“Here’s your dick, little Kitten. Here it will always be.” He opened his jeans. “Off, now,” he commanded through a mouthful of burger, pulling her jeans. “Eat and off,” he added. “Kitten, I’ll never stop, I’ll always be here for you, even if I’m a grumpy bastard, I’ll still be right here for you, never forget that.”
She smiled, gulped, and looked down at her jeans. She felt a thousand things click into place within her. He was there, he always would be, forever. She shook her head and tried to focus on the moment.
She couldn’t eat and wiggle out of her jeans. Colt saw her struggle. “Just eat, Kitten.” He changed his instructions, putting his burger fully in his mouth now, holding it there as he yanked her jeans down her butt. They ended up at her knees before getting stuck but Colt bunched them there. He pulled what was left of the burger from his mouth, and chewed the giant mouthful. April tried to breathe and eat her burger while her heart blossomed in her chest and her pulse pounded around her body. She felt flushed, now unaware of the cold night air that had been pinching before. The delicious food was heaven, the anticipation of what was about to happen was just as juicy. Her senses were about to be bombarded. He shoved the last of his burger into his mouth and his hands went to his own jeans. She heard the jingle of the buttons and zipper.
He grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around, like a rag doll in his hands. She whirled around and staggered into the darkness as he pushed her off the road. With her pants around her knees and her burger in her hand, she couldn’t move fast or far.
“Finish your dinner April, like a good little kitten. Then, I’ll finish us both,” he growled in her ear, his breath hot against her cheek.
“Ump.” She shoved in another mouthful and chewed frantically. She wasn’t able to breathe properly between mouthfuls and even that was turning her on.
Colt was behind her, pressing against her back with his chest. She felt a tree in front of her. With one hand she braced herself against the tree, as Colt bent her forwards slightly. She arched her back, sticking her rear out further for him. She heard a murmur of appreciation from him. He leaned over her and kissed her roughly, biting her ear, the back of her neck in the same ravenous way he’d eaten the burger moments before. She didn’t recognize herself and loved it.
His hands came out, and one spanked her ass with a firm zap. She squealed as she felt the sting.
“That’s for nearly ruining your surprise, Kitten. Keep chewing.” She did. He swatted her again. “That’s for doubting me, thinking I was up to some sort of illegal, shady shit. I wasn’t.”
He swatted again. The sting was tingly hot now. She moaned around a mouthful of burger.
“That’s for not finishing the burger quick enough, for making those noises, Kitten, my cock’s getting jealous, swallow that burger and take my cock like the good little kitten I know you can be.”
She was loving this confident Colt, who was master of his body and soul. Who demanded what he wanted and expected it to be delivered.
She took another bite.
She felt one of his hands skimming up her top, pushing up her bra. It was rucked up awkwardly now but it meant he had a handful of one of her tits and he squeezed, jiggled. Then his fingers found her nipple. He pinched, rolled, pulled it. She almost thought about tossing the burger away to enjoy what he was doing with his hand. Almost, but it was an epic burger.
His breathing was turning erratic. She turned her head and caught a glimpse of him. He had his other hand around his cock and he was pumping. Hard. She pushed back off the tree, pressing her ass into his cock. He gasped and shoved it in between her cheeks, not entering her, just skimming over her entrance, the length of her crease. He was wet, she was wet.
She popped the rest of the burger in her mouth, and put her hand on the tree trunk.
“Swallow it, April, then swallow me. With your cunt,” Colt purred. She’d never thought she’d be so turned on and be eating a burger, of all things. But it was absolutely delicious. She almost gagged on the massive mouthful and Colt pushed his cock right up to her entrance, straining there, quivering in the starting gates.
“April, don’t tease me,” he warned. She chewed and swallowed finally. Then she put her hand between her legs and pushed his hard cock into her.
They both purred now. Then he was off. Colt didn’t hold back. It was merciless. She couldn’t open her legs very far because of her jeans, so he wasn’t as deep as he could be, but it was so good to feel him entering and pulling out fully each time. One hand yanked one of her tits, pinching her nipple and refusing to let go. She’d never felt the blissful agony of such rough handling of her boobs, she was close to coming from that alone. God, it was like he was just tightening a coil within her. His other hand on her hip, pulling her back, slamming her ass against his hips.
“Yes, yes, take it April. Never fucking doubt me again. I will never let you down, fucking know it, tell me you know it.” He was babbling endlessly, chanting the same thing over and over.
“I don’t doubt... Colt, I won’t ever...” She found herself murmuring back. She meant every word, every feeling. With every slam of his body into hers, she felt their souls forming together, becoming one, as was always the case when they came together.
“Ah fuck Kitten... coming, I’m-” he spluttered. And he suddenly convulsed, bent over her back. He mercilessly spanked her clit with his fingers now, tapping with each of his spasms and it sent her over the edge. She convulsed under him, mirroring his noise.
The roaring in her ears mixed with his frantic gasps as he sucked air in. The night air rushed in. He smiled and pulled her up so that they were both standing. She leaned her head back against his shoulder. His hand tilted her chin back and he kissed her. Devoured her mouth through a smile that she returned. He was happy, joyful. Far from that closed off, self-deprecating man she had met, or even the grumpy grouch from earlier.
“You needed that, huh?” she asked.