Page 44 of The Chase

“Yes, we are so glad to be here.” April still had the energy for her sunshine smile, Colt was impressed. He was swiftly losing the will to care about being polite, he was tired and uncomfortable and this place was everything that had shunned him. Everything that had pushed him to the MC in the first place. Everything the MC had stood against. It made his skin crawl.

“Yes, we’ve got you in one of our executive cabins, you can drive your vehicle around the site to get there, you’re in one of the furthest ones, by the back of the lake. Speed limit is twenty MPH,” he added, throwing a loaded glance at Colt. He sucked his teeth like he had a bitter pill in his mouth. This douchebag was assuming he’d break the speed limit. Yeah, well he would now, Colt thought, just to piss him off.

“We have our spa facilities available, here is a map of the site... the pool is here, sauna, steam room, jacuzzi... our treatment rooms are here-”

“Ah, can we book a massage for tomorrow? My husband has such a sore shoulder...”

Colt threw April a glance.

“Yes, yes, we do couple’s massages... I’ll introduce you to our concierge who will be able to book that for you… we also have yoga studios here, again, our concierge can book that for you, and our restaurant is here-” he indicated with a shiny silver metal pen, on the map he’d laid out on the reception desk with a flourish. Colt wanted to grab that pen and stab it through the guy’s hand. Self absorbed prick. “I’m afraid it’s closed this evening, we advocate an early evening meal, as it’s best for digestion...”

April’s face fell. “Oh, could we get room service food at all? We haven’t had any dinner-”

“I’m not sure we can-”

“Yes, we can.” A different voice came from behind them. A younger man in a navy suit stepped forward, speaking over the older man.

Colt immediately sensed the manager was riled up. Ah, the younger man was a threat. There was obviously a history of simmering irritation in this relationship. Colt immediately liked the younger guy just for having irritated the older guy.

“Ah, this is our concierge-”

“Ash.” The younger man introduced himself with a chin nod and strode around the desk. He was younger and a little shorter than Colt, leaner. He had longish brown hair, a sort of wild young punk look going on. He wouldn’t look out of place in a skate park. He looked out of place in the suit, but not awkward about it. He owned it. Colt respected that. Ash pushed past the older man slightly and picked up the phone, cutting the older man off. Colt felt April’s eyes on Ash. Yeah, he was a pretty boy, no mistaking it, dark hair, bone structure of a Ken doll or a dancer or a model or something. High cheekbones, straight nose. His dark blue eyes flicked over April, and Colt almost got jealous. But then Ash’s eyes flicked over Colt with the same attention. Sexual attention. Colt hadn’t expected that. They all stared at each other while the phone rang. The older man giving Ash a disapproving frown. Ash giving April and Colt the eye as if he was asking them to come to bed. April blinked, doing a double take, she’d seen it, too. Colt watching them all in a mixture of fascination, jealousy and amusement.

“Yeah, kitchen?” Ash, the enigmatic concierge asked. Colt could just about hear someone else talking on the other end of the phone. “Yeah, appreciate you’ve already cleaned up, you got leftovers? For some guests?” The faint murmur of the person at the other end of the line rattled on. “It’s fine, I’ll plate it up, have you got any food or not?” he demanded. Ash paused and listened. Colt saw a tattoo on his wrist as he held the phone up. Something delicate and simple. A fern leaf? He couldn’t quite see.

“Fine. Thanks.” Ash clicked the phone down and stared the older man down with a heated glare for a second. Colt liked his attitude. It said, ‘see, you said no and I did it anyway, fuck you, old man’. Then Ash turned to Colt and April with his professional face. “Yes, we’ll bring a cold platter to your cabin.”

April smiled warmly. “Thank you so much.”

Ash shrugged. “It’s fine. I’ll start at nine a.m. tomorrow, we can book massages, yoga, and excursions or experiences then.”

“Okay, thanks.”

The older duty manager jumped back in, to regain some semblance of control. “We’ll continue now with the orientation. There are no board shorts allowed in the pool or spa, fitted trunks only-”

Colt flicked April a look now, too. A thunderous look that said what the fuck.

“Hey, how about we do orientation tomorrow morning, too?” Ash interrupted the older man again. “They’ve been on the road for hours, they are hungry and tired, they probably want to get to their room and get to bed...” Ash’s eyes hooded for a split second and flicked between April and Colt. Perceptive guy. Horny, too, clearly with the attitude of a champion. Colt liked him more and more.

“Yes we are… to um...” she let out a breathy little hiccup that went straight to Colt’s cock. Ash saw. “... get to our room...”

“Fine, I’ll see you at nine tomorrow, here, in the lobby. Welcome to The Pines and enjoy your evening, Mr. and Mrs. Black.” Ash nodded at them both, stared down at the older duty manager, and stalked out. He might as well have done a mic drop.

“Great,” Colt ground out, pleased things were moving along. Had they finally checked into this damn place yet?

“You have to excuse him... he’s my nephew, my brother’s son... he’s working here for the summer... I’ve taken him on as a favor really... he’s a bit... at risk of going off the tracks... “

“Seems like he gets shit done to me,” Colt countered. April gave him a look.

“Well, we are just so looking forward to our week here, we’ll drive our van to our cabin-” April plucked the silver key, on a large disk of wood, out of the manager’s hand before he could throw some other rule or information at them. “So, thanks, we’ll be back in the morning.” April trilled, backing out of the reception area. She grabbed Colt’s arm and attempted to pull his stiff, immovable self out with her before any other drama unfolded.

“What the fuck is this place? Fucking rules-” Colt yanked his driver door open, plunked himself down in the seat and slammed the door shut behind him.

“Colt, shut up and drive,” April breathed.

One glance at her and he did just that. The fluster in the lobby was long forgotten. She had one thing on her mind and one thing only. Her lips parted and he caught a glimpse of her little tongue darting out. Her cheeks looked warm, her eyes glassy. Oh hell yes. This was it.

He gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles, and he drove the van along the lake side road. It was dark, he caught glimpses of other cabins, lights on, casting an orange glow from their windows. It reeked of tamed wilderness. The inky black of the lake pulled his gaze in, but only for a moment. Colt single-mindedly drove up to their cabin. Number fourteen, a signpost of the cabin number, lit from below.