“I can’t see-” he began.
“It’s perfect!” She beamed. A smile on her face, she was excited, a slight flush showing him she was pleased with herself.
She was cute. He smiled. “Let me see,” he said, grabbing the phone and holding it at a distance so he could actually see what was on the screen.
“The Pines,” he read out loud. “A mindfulness and yoga luxury retreat... rehabilitate your soul...” He scanned the website.
“It would be good, it’s off the beaten path in the middle of nowhere. It’s exclusive... I think some celebrities have been there, there’s security so we’d be safe...”
“I mean… it looks like it would be full of stuck up dicks,” he said, looking at the website, the tastefully shot photographs of a pristine lake and little log cabins hidden in the trees. It looked very yuppie bougie, like a place he wouldn’t be welcomed.
She remained undeterred. “It would be fine, we pretend we’re married and we’re honeymooning-”
“What?” He gulped, his eyes widening.
“-And we’ve been on the road too long after quitting our jobs in the city-”
“Slow down, slow down”, he interjected, “these elaborate stories will probably unravel at some stage... What kinda job in the city would I have? Janitor?” he said sarcastically.
She shook her head. “Okay, we’ll figure it out and practice our story, but I think this would be a great place to get off the road for a while.” She looked at him with anticipation shining in her eyes. “I think we need to stop being chased and… just stand still,” she finished quietly. But he absolutely understood. He felt they needed to pause. To stop running.
He ran his hand over his jaw stubble thoughtfully. “It does seem like a good place...” He drifted off, thinking.
“I can call and check availability?” She practically bounced with excitement.
He sighed. “Go on,” he said, before he regretted it, continuing to scroll through the photos.
She grabbed back the phone. “Okay, I’ll send you the link so you can keep looking at the website.” She pulled herself up and hopped out of the van.
He rolled over, hearing his phone beep somewhere in his pocket. He didn’t reach for it though. The place looked high end, douchey but decent enough. And like she said, it was safe, a good place to hide. It looked like a place that would have a decent bed. That was a key criteria for him. A fucking big bed where he could throw her down and ravage her to his heart’s content. Fucking rail her hard, stroke into her, long and deep…
“Fuck,” he groaned into his pillow, he got hard thinking about it. No more pussy footing around this time. He had decided, he knew where he wanted to be. Balls deep in her tight, hot, wet-
“I did it! We got one of the executive cabins, minimum booking was a week, so I went with that -”
“A week?” he exclaimed, sitting up now.
“Yes, I said we were newly married and road tripping but you had a nervous breakdown, so we wanted to take some time to ground ourselves and be in one place.”
“Sounds douchey enough.”
She started tidying her clothes, animatedly talking about it. She was looking forward to it. He was glad they were doing something she wanted to do. She hadn’t complained the whole time, but he could see it in her eyes. There had been times when she was tired and scared. She wasn’t used to wearing cheap clothes and going to laundromats. Making do with regular coffee and baked beans for dinner. She’d done a good job of not once complaining. But she deserved luxury. Hell, he did, too, damn it. And he’d ensure they both got what they desired.
“Wear your khakis and your boat shoes, so we fit in,” she said with a smile.
He rolled his eyes but reached for the pants she’d bought for him but hadn’t worn. He thought he’d take it one step further and, instead of a T-shirt, he grabbed one of the polo shirts she’d got him. He shucked it on and then walked around to the passenger side, where she stood. She’d opened the door but stood stretching from side to side, her head stooped as she scrolled on her phone. As he approached, she looked up. And her eyes swept up and down over him.
Her eyes lit up. He liked that he’d pleased her. He made her proud, he saw it on her face. He felt a warmth in the pit of his stomach. He felt proud of himself.
She smiled and he returned it. “You like me dressed up as a douchebag, huh?” He smiled. “You like me as a boring, average Joe?” He strutted forward.
“I mean, I like you no matter what you’re wearing...” She trailed off breathlessly.
“But you think I clean up well enough, huh?”
She lightly swatted his chest playfully, looked down bashfully and then straight back up again. “Don’t worry, I know that underneath is still my bad, dangerous biker.” She smiled up at him through long lashes.
“Fuck, yeah.” He grunted, grabbing his now quickly hardening cock through those preppy clothes. “You’ll have to fuck the bad boy back into me to remind me of my true colors.”