Page 17 of The Chase

Riding off into the moonlight with April, freshly fucked, on the back of his bike. The stuff of his teenage dreams. Being forced out of the Black Coyotes with a reward on his back. The stuff of his teenage nightmares. Out of prison and already deep in trouble. The ride ahead of them would provide space and time for him to process it all. It would take the rest of the night to get out of California. He planned to head up the eighty, from San Francisco to Nevada, make them think they were heading to Vegas maybe. But he was going to loop back around, head north, connect to highway five, up to Oregon. He swallowed and set his jaw. He revved the bike and they shot off into the darkness.

She woke up with a start. Had she actually been asleep? She had thought not, but now she realized it was that milky light of dawn. It had been dark before. She was numb. Her hands, her arms practically locked in a curled position from hanging onto him. She realized she’d been clenching her jaw, because it hurt. They had pulled into a rest stop. There were pine trees. It felt cool, fresher. Oregon. The bike had stopped, the noises changed. There wasn’t the lashing of the wind, and the intensity of the loud noise anymore, the engine was deafeningly silent. Luckily the bike had a back rest. She didn’t think she could have lasted all those hours without it. She stretched a little in the seat, turning her head, trying to move.

Holy hell. Her inner thighs ached. Her hips… oh God. It all came flashing back to her. Taking his cock on the roadside like her life depended on it. She’d never felt that desperation, that thrill. He had completely lost control, and she’d gone along for the ride. Her lips curved into a smile remembering. It had been the wildest thing she had ever done.

After that pit stop last night, they rode to the bus station. The stop at the bus station had been dicey. The bike was noisy, and people had looked as they passed. It wasn’t busy, being late at night, but there were still people in the parking lot.

She’d hopped off and scurried into the building to get to the lockers in the waiting area. Colt had circled round until she came back out. He was constantly looking over his shoulder. Head on swivel. He had taken an indirect route there. Her heart pounded in her chest, her mouth dry. What if the MC had people waiting at the bus station? What if he wasn’t there when she came out?

She opened the locker and her hands closed blindly on what was inside. A heavy, black sports bag. She didn’t look inside it, she slung it over her shoulder and hurried out.

And there he was. He pulled up. They strapped the bag to the back with bungee cords from the saddlebag. He hopped off to help her. “Get on, I’ll strap this up and then, we go,” he said. “What’s in it?” he asked, looping the cord around the backrest and over the bag, securing it.

She swung herself onto the bike. “I didn’t look, I just wanted to hurry.”

He nodded. “Now we go, and we don’t stop. Got it?”

She nodded as she put on her helmet. He moved in front of her, swung himself onto the bike and scooted back into her crotch. The heat from his body enveloped her like a blanket. Then, he revved the engine and they sped away.

And by the looks of things, they had successfully made it through the night, through California and into Oregon. They’d stopped in what looked like a cemetery. It was peaceful, there were graves and some mausoleums in front of them.

She looked up, looked for him. Colt was walking over to a metal, half height tap that poked out of the ground. It was meant to be used for maintenance, watering the flowers. He laid his cut on the bike, and pulled off his T-shirt, too. She watched his back as he stalked toward the water tap. He looked like a wild beast. Wide shoulders tapered into a lean waist, muscles rolled like ropes under his skin. His back had a Black Coyotes image tattooed on it. It looked fearsome, an animal skull, she guessed a coyote, stared blankly back at her. He hunkered down on his haunches by the water tap and turned it on. She heard his groan from back where she was. His hands reached out and cupped some water, he drank, it dribbled down the outside of his throat. Trickling down onto his chest. Hell, his chest. Solid pectorals, small, neat, erect nipples. One with a little silver barbell through it horizontally. Rolls of abs. That V down to his groin. Dark wispy hair that trailed down the center of his stomach, spread then below his belly button and disappeared under the waistline of some black underpants, which in turn disappeared beneath the waistline of his jeans.

She was salivating. Despite how sore she was, how tired, how emotionally and physically spent, she was still salivating for him. Whatever happened from here, she’d have this to remember and fantasize about. To tap into when she wanted to feel alive, wild and free. Because that was how she felt right now, and she had no idea how much she’d needed to feel this.

She had been determined to get rid of this guy as soon as he got her out of harm’s way. He was a no good convict, a member of the MC gang, a bad man that she had wanted nothing to do with. And yet… the events of last night had made her doubt herself. Now, watching him wash himself at the tap, watching his hands touch his body, wipe down his arms, his chest, splash into his hair, she had changed her mind. She had to admit it to herself, she didn’t want to just walk away.

Why not? Why should she not want more? She felt greedy. She bit the inside of her cheek. She’d been thinking about this through the night. Maybe she didn’t go her own way after all. Maybe she wanted to go on an adventure… with him. She was an ambitious, tenacious person. Once she saw something she wanted, she pursued it without mercy. She was selfish and proud and sought out what she wanted with single minded determination. She was flawed, yes. But it’s how she got what she wanted out of life. That’s how she’d got her job, how she’d got to be top of her class in college, how she made it through law school. She’d chased the entrepreneurial boyfriend until she had a ring on her finger. All of that looked silly now, superfluous, but she still felt that drive within her. Only now, she was going to be chasing after Colt.

He looked over and caught her gazing at him. She closed her mouth, and got off the bike, stiffly, shakily, and dragged the helmet off her head. The cool morning air felt nice on her sticky forehead. He stalked back to the bike and her.

He cleared his throat. “I’m going to drop you off in the nearest town, we crossed the state line, we’re out of their territory, so hopefully that will cool things off -”

She smoothed down her crumpled top and leather trousers and raised her chin. She wished she looked and felt a little fresher, a little bit more appealing. But she wasn’t going to let that hold her back. “I have a better idea. Instead of you dropping me off, why don’t we go on the run... together?”

His mouth fell open. He quickly tried to regain his neutral, devil-may-care face but April saw something flicker across it before he could guard against it.

“I was planning on driving around for the next few weeks, maybe months, no plans, no fancy places to stay, just trying to keep off the MC’s radar-” he said.

“Yes, I think we’d have more luck doing this together.”

“I don’t know-”

“That was your original intention, wasn’t it? We’d run together. If I hadn’t ordered that Uber back at the clubhouse, we would have headed off together.”

“Yes, but you put me firmly in my place by hightailing it outta there-”

“Well, I’ve changed my mind, I want to stay with you, run with you.”

He swiped at his forehead, wiping water off him. “Like some sorta Bonnie and Clyde thing? I’m sure an educated woman like yourself doesn’t want to get mixed up with a loser like me,” he said wryly, quoting her comment from the other day right back at her.

She pursed her lips but didn’t even blink. “I said that about you. I regret that, and I apologize,” she added, with a twinkle in her eye. “And things didn’t end well for Bonnie and Clyde, right? I wouldn’t want that.”

He smiled, stepping up to her, close. Very close. She felt his breath on her face. “Last night change things for you?” he asked.

She licked her lips and looked away.

“You want more?”