“It was only meant to be me sneaking through the woods in the dark. You are the one who came stomping out here after me-”
“Because you wouldn’t talk to me, you just told me to stay inside like a good little woman should.”
“Well, sorry for assuming you’d get cold out here. I was right though, huh? You’re cold and pissed about tramping through the woods in the dark-”
“Which brings me back to my original question, what are you doing?”
He paused, then replied flatly, “Meeting someone.”
April rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Well that’s cleared things up... not!”
“What, are we in the third grade or something?”
“What are you… are you doing something illegal?”
He stopped in his tracks now. “April please… like getting drugs? Is that what you are thinking?” He sounded angry.
April swallowed. “I have no idea! That’s why I keep asking but you are just being grumpy… I just don’t know!”
“Fuck’s sake,” he yelled out. At that moment, his phone lit up and vibrated in his hand. In the blue light of the phone she could see how pissed off he was. She shouldn’t have let him think that she doubted him, she didn’t.
“Yes?” He hissed down the phone. She heard a voice at the other end of the line but couldn’t hear any words.
“Yep. Yeah,” he said. The voice murmured again. “Got it.” He ended the call and flicked his cigarette away. They now stood in silence, in the dark, glowering at each other.
Until she heard the rumble of a motorcycle. She flinched then froze.
“Colt.” Her heart pounded in her ribcage.
“What?” he said roughly, folding his arms over his chest.
She felt a rising panic. Had he sold her out? She whimpered. No, no, no. He couldn’t have. She felt her breath catch in her throat. Her emotions running wild inside her. She stumbled back. Half thinking about running, but she knew she’d never make it. It was all over. She braced herself for the hell that was to come, throwing her hands up to her face.
The bike got closer. Colt didn’t move. She let out a little sob.
The bike came to a stop in front of Colt. She peered out from between her hands, and saw Colt hand money to the rider, who was dressed all in black. The rider handed him a brown paper bag. She was confused. The rider then drove off.
“Kitten, take your hands away from your face,” he said, gently now.
“No,” she whimpered.
“Come on, it’s okay,” he said soothingly. She felt his warm, strong hand on her arm, gently but firmly prying it off her face.
“Double cheeseburger with bacon?” he asked quietly.
“No… what?” She wailed initially, then processed what he’d said. She peeped out from her hands. The smell hit her first, warm beef, cheese. Bacon.
“Oh god,” she moaned with longing. He was using his phone as a flashlight now, and she could see him smiling at her.
“Come on, Kitten,” he cajoled. He offered her a little foiled wrapped package of warm burger goodness.
“I...” she began, but didn’t know what to say next. She suddenly felt like she wanted to cry. God, it was her period. She was all over the place, mentally and emotionally, tonight.
“Here’s what’s going to happen,” he began, talking with quiet, calm authority. “You and I are going to eat. Then I am going to fuck you, hard, right here, in the dark, so you never, ever forget how I feel about you. Despite how grumpy I may seem, do you understand me?”
“Colt, I...”
“And you are going to fuck me back so that I never ever forget to treat you with the utmost respect and gentility, is that alright with you, Kitten?”