“Let’s go again,” he said.
Her eyebrows shot up. “Again?”
“Yeah, let me guess, college dick was a once a night kinda guy?”
“Well, yes. Once a week, once a month, more like-”
“Douchebag. Well I’m not a once a night kinda guy. I’m more like… as many fucking times as my body can manage it until the sun comes up kinda guy.”
“I see that,” she said with a little smile, her eyes watching as he got hard again. She was fascinated. His heavy cock slowly but steadily pumping up again to a large, angry-looking rod of hard flesh covered in a soft velvet sheath.
“This time, instead of no hands, we do only hands,” he said. She shivered. He noticed. “In the van,” he added.
“No sex?” She couldn’t help herself from asking.
He came close to her, his head now right in front of her. His forehead touched hers, she felt his warmth on her face. “April, I want to know every inch of you, I want to taste and touch every inch. I want to fuck every inch of you. I don’t want to rush this. I want to enjoy memorizing every inch of you. This isn’t just me wetting my dick inside you. And when I do take you with my cock, I will stroke your hot, wet cunt until you clench up and come again and again and milk me until I’m shooting out stardust, I’ll be that empty. Do you understand?”
She bit her lip and closed her eyes and nodded, as she let him haul her to her feet, and tripped over to the van door. She had to remind herself to breathe again, as they climbed into the back of the van, and he swung the door shut behind them. Her world went black. A warm, safe, happy, black, where she just existed, and he worshiped her.
The next day, Colt sauntered out of the convenience store like he ruled the town. Standing tall, swinging a white plastic bag, humming to himself like the happy fucker he was. They’d been driving a few hours, the day was young. He’d told her to wait in the van as he’d made a quick dash. He opened his driver side door and hopped in.
“Did you get the trail mix? I need a snack,” April eagerly chattered. He passed her the bag without thinking.
She pounced gratefully, peering inside, reaching her hand in… She paused, blinked. He remembered.
In the store, he’d meandered over to the condom section. Trying to look casual, eyeing the offerings. He hadn’t bought these in years. He grabbed a big box of thin feel.
April had taken the box out of the bag and was reading it.
“Ahh... I just…” he trailed off. Why was he embarrassed suddenly? Why was he searching for an excuse?
She turned the box over and read the back. Why did he buy a giant box? That maybe seemed too presumptuous, like they’d definitely be using a lot. Should he have gotten ribbed, for her pleasure? He wanted the ground to swallow him up.
She looked up at him, bit her bottom lip for a fraction of a second, then she took a deep breath. He braced himself. “I didn’t want you to use any,” she said finally.
“I... what?”
“I was thinking about it, and I don’t want you to use any condoms,” she repeated.
He frowned and blinked, computing what she was saying. “You want me to pull out? I can try but, Kitten, I don’t think-”
“No, I don’t want you to pull out,” she replied.
His eyebrows shot up. “You want anal? Fu-uck... I didn’t think... but I mean sure I can, Jesus, the thought of your tight, little-”
“No, not that!” she replied, rolling her eyes. “I’ve never done that and that’s not what I meant.”
“Woah, never? Well, that’s something we definitely should-” He began, he was smiling now, heat flooding his face, making his eyes dance. He adjusted his crotch. She didn’t doubt this conversation would make him hard.
“No, what I mean is, when we have sex, I want you to come inside me. Again,” she said.
Those simple words left him speechless. They echoed inside his head. Inside her, she said. He remembered himself releasing into her, his juices squirting deep inside her that first rushed time.
“Kitten, I know that first time we did… but that was an accident, I wasn’t thinking, we should be safe-”
She took a breath. “I’m clean, I had a test just a few weeks ago, actually, and Hugo and I haven’t… slept together since then.”
“I was tested yearly as part of a routine check up in jail, so I’m clean, too, but…” He trailed off, looking at her. He was quiet, thinking. She couldn’t fathom the look on his face. “But why did you get tested a few weeks ago?”