Page 26 of The Chase

He pursed his lips together. “I had everything to do with his injuries.”


“Yeah, Blue was pissed, too, said I should have left it alone, that you needed to learn the hard way... I couldn’t just sit back and watch that guy fuck around... he hurt you. I hurt him. Karma,” Colt replied. He hoped she didn’t think he was a monster, violent, untameable.

“I wish I’d have opened my eyes and seen you, Colt. Back then... I would have thanked you...”

“I wouldn’t have listened,” he replied. “I would have bent you over my bike and fucked your prom dress off you,” he spat, the van speeding up slightly under his foot.

“Like the other night then, some little boys never grow up,” she said playfully, giving him a sideways glance.

“Oh, I grew up alright, and I’m not that little boy anymore,” he growled.

She took a breath. “I bet you were a real looker back then.”

“No, I was scrawny-”

“All big brown eyes-”

“All big dick, no technique, but stamina and perseverance-”

He took a breath. All this walking down memory lane was confusing him inside. His teenage feelings of awe and wonder for her, his self loathing, were mixing with his adult feelings of lust, jaded desperation and betrayal. He felt too much, that was his problem. He shook his head to clear the thoughts that had entangled him. He shouldn’t give a fuck. Yeah, he was done with memory lane. It was the path ahead that he feared more. It both terrified and excited him.

Pain shafted through his face. She saw it. She could recognize it. Thinking of the past wasn’t his most favorite thing to do then. She wanted to keep him talking, she didn’t want him to withdraw into himself again, as he seemed to do sometimes, she wanted more of him. She cleared her throat and changed the subject.

“So, why join a MC in the first place? I don’t get it.” She shrugged.

His eyes opened wide with disbelief. “Don’t get it? Kitten, I don’t get why not?” He smirked.

“It sounds like a philosophical experiment, except with illegal stuff happening…”

Colt blew out an exaggerated breath. He tilted his head for a second, appearing deep in thought. “Well, yeah, I guess that’s not an unfair assessment. It’s a bunch of men that have gotten together and said fuck you to the system.”

“I see.”

“... And from big risks, comes big rewards. Yeah, running guns for the cartel isn’t legal, and it may not be moral, or safe, but it’ll make you more than you could earn in a year in one trip. Then, you come back to the clubhouse and party hard. Free booze, a room upstairs, food, free women…”

“Free women… what exactly do you mean?” She curled an eyebrow up, narrowing her eyes.

Colt shifted in his seat. “Well, the sweet butts are there to serve you, in any way you’d want. They do the cooking and the cleaning. They live in, and they pay us back in sex.”

“So literally… prostitutes.”

“Well, they kind of become family, like the cousin you love to hate, they belong to the club, you could claim them if you want them to be your ol’ lady…”

“A wife?”

“Kinda, more flexible than legal marriage, but your ol’ lady is your other half. There are no rings involved, you go to the members, you say I wanna claim, whatever her name is, anyone object? No, okay, she’s yours now. Your property.”

“Property?” April said in a low voice.


“Like a slave?” she continued, throwing him a glare.

Colt felt it and scratched his neck. “Well, she could leave if she wanted to.”

“But she doesn’t earn any money, she gets paid by being allowed somewhere to sleep and eat, and she has to cook, clean and fuck to earn that.”