Page 68 of Pack Dreams

We roll back onto our paws and stand, but the pain has made our body weary. My brain is tired. My wolf is tired. She whimpers softly once more, and I look forlornly at the dirt, considering the cost of laying down, belly up.

“You can do it, Layla!” Landon’s voice, strong and clear, pricks up my ears.

“You’ve got this Lex, don’t give up!”

“Hey Lex, why did the wolf go into the forest?” My head turns to catch Jared’s beaming grin. “To kick Amber’s ass, that’s why! Go finish her!”

More shouts rise to join them, a chorus, a wave of positivity. The energy hums across my skin and sets my fur tingling.

Chants of ‘Alpha! Alpha!’ mix with a chorus of ‘Layla, Layla!’ And something akin to a second wind courses through my body, deadening the pain and weakness, bolstering my resolve.

They believe I can do it. They have lived this life far longer than I. Why shouldn’t I believe them when they say they believe in me?

With renewed energy, I charge Amber, who meets my attack with a snarl. Once again, I am the aggressor, my wolf barreling into her body and snapping viciously, deadly intent permeating my mind.

There is no time for ‘try’; I have to fight to win, or I’ve lost before we even began.

I push the attack, rearing up on my hind legs and attempting to rip at the back of her neck. To force her down, force her to obey. Amber scampers out from beneath my paws and spins around, trying to clamp her teeth around my neck from below. She surges forward, flipping me on my back as I scrabble for purchase, pawing desperately to keep her from claiming victory.

It’s not looking good. The most I can do is keep her from getting a firm hold, but her teeth are inches from the tender part of my neck and I can’t seem to wriggle my way out.

No,I think desperately.I am so close, I can’t lose now. All these people are counting on me. They call me alpha. I can do this. I can be the alpha. I have to keep fighting.

My wolf snarls violently, kicking and clawing at Amber who holds a side of our throat in her teeth. Just a few inches to the left and she’ll have a firm, end-of-challenge killing grip, and I’ll be forced to submit.

I can’t let her win.

Deep in my heart, a sudden conviction flames to life.

If Amber wins, the Smoky Falls pack is doomed.

And that will be my fault, because I am Layla Harridan.

And I am their alpha.

Power surges through my chest, a powerful, earth-shattering strength like I’ve never felt before. My muscles coil and bunch with it, like adrenaline flooding my system and preparing me to take flight.

With a burst of energy, I jump into Amber. She rends a small chunk of flesh from my neck but otherwise loses her grip, and I barrel her over as I regain my feet.


The command voice reverberates in my chest. I feel the electric sensation pass through my flesh, spreading around me like a ripple in a pool of water. The crowd goes absolutely silent as it hits them.

Amber struggles to stand, and I speak in my alpha voice once more.

Stay down. Submit, and I will release you.

Amber whimpers, then bows her head and crawls forward on her belly, a high-pitched whine emitting from her muzzle. When she’s nearly between my front paws, she stops and rolls over, presenting her soft white belly to me in surrender.

My wolf chuffs in acknowledgement, and we step backward.

I accept your surrender. Now go.

Amber scrambles to her feet and runs back toward her supporters with her tail between her legs.

I sit, staring out at the sea of faces I don’t recognize, waiting for the next part.

Then I realize they’re all waiting for me.