Page 66 of Pack Dreams

“Milo said he’d show the cheerleading squad video of Jared watching it if he kept making us watch it.” I grin widely, remembering.

She laughs. “Wow, you guys don’t mess around.”

“He was obsessed. It was pathetic.”

“Hey it’s not pathetic to like something. Don’t box me in with your gender stereotypes.” Jared crosses his arms and sticks his nose in the air.

“It’s not about gender stereotypes,” Milo disagrees. “You always wanted to act out the scenes like some kind of LARPer with the movie in the background. It was fucking weird.”

Now Layla is full on giggling. “Okay, now Ihaveto see it.”

“See what you did?” I shoot Milo an accusing glare, but I don’t really mean it. The storm cloud of Layla’s emotions has settled, and if that meant we had to watch sparkly vampires, I’d pay that price.

“Whatever Layla wants, Layla gets…” Jared sings, grinning.

“The song is Lola,” she corrects him, but her smile is hard to mistake.

“Nah, I think it’s Layla,” Milo disagrees with a wink.

“Fine. Are we gonna watch this movie or not?”

* * *


* * *

Milo and Landon weren’t kidding. Watching Jared watch New Moon is a show unto itself. I’m so distracted I don’t notice time passing until Milo’s phone buzzes in his pocket.

“I hate to break up the party, but it’s time, guys.”

He didn’t have to clarify. We all know what that means.

We make our way out of the suite and down the stairs, my heart going double time.

Unlike the last full moon, the entire household is waiting to join us, including Roxanne. She smiles encouragingly, hugging me with a whisper of ‘you’ve got this!’ before allowing me to continue with my fated.

The guys flank me, and the household follows in solidarity as we march through the property, past the gardens, and into the clearing in the woods. As we approach, more and more people join, allowing us to pass through and filling in behind our growing party in solidarity.

This time is so different from last, when there was just one sea of people all moving toward the same spot. Now there are two obvious heads, me arriving from the direction of the house with thousands swelling behind me.

And Amber, already waiting in the circle when I arrive.

Her faction has already gathered, and they’ve claimed the far side of the circle from Harridan House.

Once we’re all assembled, I step into the circle, reciting the brief announcement Roxanne had me prepare.

“For those who have not met me, I am Lilliana Harridan. I prefer to be called Layla, but in the Harridan tradition I was named after my mother. Before the pack shifts and goes for our run, I have to ask if there are any new manifestations tonight? If so, please step forward.”

My voice is somewhat shaky, my stomach absolutely sick with nerves, but I stand my ground and look around. No one comes forward.

“Very well. The pack run can begin as soon as midnight hits.”

“No.” Amber steps forward, her blue eyes flashing. “As Layla is not a fully inducted alpha, I claim my right to challenge for the position.” She’s dressed in simple sweats, an altogether unimpressive challenger as a skinny girl of average height, but I know it’s not the girl I will be fighting.

Even though I knew this was coming, it still sticks a knife in my gut.

Roxanne steps forward and nods. “Very well. When the clock strikes midnight, there will be an alpha challenge between Amber Jean-Yves and Layla Harridan. The winner will lead the pack for the monthly run.”