Page 57 of Pack Dreams

“Thank you,” I beam at them, “And tell William and Susan they’ve outdone themselves. This looks amazing.”

Mrs. Dowling’s lips purse in her tiny approximation of a smile. “Chef will be pleased. He’s been dying for an excuse to use his brick pizza oven out back. We’ve stocked your fridge with drinks and added extra sweets to your cupboard, but if you want anything else, just let us know. Susan would be happy to whip up a dessert. Roxanne thought you might prefer something more casual.”

“This is perfect. Thank you so much for everything. It’s more than I can ask for.”

Her lips spread into a genuine smile. “We’re just so pleased that you’re here, and settling in. It’s good to see you having friends over, and they’re always welcome.” Her eyes sparkle for a moment, and then, as if remembering herself, she straightens and barks at a grinning Mary and Daphe to leave.

When the door shuts behind them, my head turns to Savannah, who gapes openly at me and the feast that just sprung up around us. “I have to say, I’ve been here a few times for parties, so I thought I knew the staff pretty well. I have never seen Mrs. Dowling smile, ever. She must have a soft spot for you. And this,” she gestures, “wow.”

“I know.” My cheeks hurt from grinning. “I told them you were coming for a sleepover and just asked if we could have dinner in my room, since I know my uncle is away. I figured they’d bring up a couple plates of whatever was on the menu for the night, some kind of meat and vegetables combo as usual. I didn’t expect them to prepare us an entirely separate meal.”

Savannah settles onto a cushion at the table. “A meal that’s getting cold. Come on, let’s eat and I’ll show you the ropes on Modern Warfare.”

We scarf down a few slices and then push the table aside so we have a clear space in front of the tv. Savannah walks me through setting up a character and how to use the remote, and although I’m clumsy and terrible, it is pretty fun.

It’s even more fun, however, to watch her battle this mystery opponent of hers. His handle is WolfMan0690, and she knows his name is Brandon and he lives in Oregon, but that’s pretty much it. She wasn’t kidding. They literally run around killing each other as many times as they can before the time runs out, and she plugs in a second headset so I can listen in as they trash talk. Wolf Man is good, but she’s clearly better and he knows it.

While she’s kicking butt, the guys arrive and help themselves to our buffet of leftovers, watching Savannah dominate Wolf Man with wide eyes. Their commentary is hilarious, filled with, “oh, daaaaamn!” and “ouch!” and “brutal, did you see that?” The obvious respect in their tones tells me she’s every bit as good as I think, and it’s not just my inexperience speaking.

When she finally signs off, it’s to a round of applause and crowing from the peanut gallery on the couch. Savannah stands and takes a few mock bows before she snatches the last slice of pizza from the tray.

Checking my phone, I see it’s almost midnight. “I think we ought to head down soon, so we can take advantage of the full hour for training.”

Savannah wolfs down the last few bites of her pizza, gesturing toward the door. “Yeah, let’s go. I’m excited to see what you’ve got!”

“Not much,” I answer, trailing behind. The guys are excited, already halfway to the stairs.

“I told you, that was more about them than you,” she winks. “You’ll see.”



* * *

Going outside, stripping my clothes off—with the guys all face in the opposite direction—and surviving through the pain of the shift is all second nature now. It goes pretty quickly, and I just have to grit my teeth and hold on for the few seconds the change takes.

The first thing I notice that’s different is my hackles are up as soon as I’m completely wolf. Nose twitching, my head turns, seeking the source of my discomfort.

There, to my right, is another wolf. A female wolf. My human brain knows it’s Savannah, but my wolf self immediately labels her a threat. We’re not among the pack, it’s just her and I, and I have to protect my mates behind me.

Her feet are splayed, and she’s staring me down with gleaming blue eyes.

I turn and mimic her position, a low growl rumbling in my throat. I’m ready for the attack.

“Easy now, Layla.” Jared steps up beside me.

What is he doing?He’s supposed to stay behind, so I can protect him.

My lips curl and I snarl a warning, stepping past him and glaring over my shoulder. That ought to be a clear enough message.

“Layla, we’re here to help you learn to fight, remember? Savannah is your friend. She’s not a threat, and she won’t hurt any of us. She’s just here to help you.”

As if to reiterate, the other wolf sits and paws at the air in a friendly gesture, no menace in her posture.

I straighten slightly, my lips falling, but the growl doesn’t stop.

“I dunno, Savannah, this might not be a good idea. Her instincts have definitely taken over. There’s hardly any Layla going on in there.”