I shrug, raising my eyebrows. “Yeah?”
“Oh girl, you need someone else to train you. Like, now,” she stabs a forkful of cheesy pasta and shoves it into her mouth.
“Why do you say it like that?” I’m genuinely curious; her matter-of-fact tone is thick with the implication that there’s something else I’m missing.
“Shit, I forget you don’t know this stuff. Still, I assumed Roxanne would tell you.”
Roxanne had tried to speak to me on a number of occasions, but I’d blown her off.
Guiltily, I shake my head at Savannah. “I’ve kind of been giving her the silent treatment.”
“Okay, damn. Well, for starters, you don’twantto fight your mates, so your wolf instincts aren’t going to kick in. You don’t actually want to hurt them, and neither does your wolf.”
“That’s fair,” I agree, wondering why the guys never mentioned this.
“Second, they’re males. They know nothing about actual fighting. Yes, I know,” she raises a palm and cuts off Jared’s angry outburst, “technicallyanyone can become alpha and a wolf fight is a wolf fight. But, female to female, your instincts aren’t triggered until you’re fighting another female. Because then itfeelsreal to your wolf. And then she’ll fight back. I’m guessing until this point you’ve been just trying to tell her what to do, but she doesn’t really get into it?”
“Exactly,” I breathe.
“Yeah,” she nods sagely. “You gotta practice with a girl, sweet cheeks. You’ll never get better goofing off with them.”
“Will you practice with me?” The request blurts from my lips before I even think about it. “You’re a girl, one of the few I know, and you don’t actually want to kill me. Seems like a win-win.”
“Sure,” she shrugs, “but you can’t hold it against me if my wolf takes a little fur. You’re new and she loves to fight.”
“Deal,” I agree quickly. “Meet at my place tonight? You can come up at midnight, or you could come for dinner and hang out?”
“Hell yeah, girl time! I bet you haven’t gotten much of that lately.”
“I can’t say I’ve had much of it, ever,” I confess, heat rising to my cheeks. “My mom died when I was fourteen and since that…”
Savannah’s eyes go as round as saucers. “Okay, we’re going into full on crisis mode here. I need to pick up a few things, and then we’re having a girl’s night. Tomorrow’s Saturday. Shall we make it a sleepover?”
My panicked eyes rise to the guys, and they all shrug back to me as if to say, “you’re the boss!”
“Okay, yeah, that sounds like fun. Girl’s night.”
“Your mates can come up for the shift if they want. They’ll probably be anxious.” She gives each of them a steely stare. “But just for the shift, understood? You’ve been hogging her since she arrived, but tonight she’s mine.”
Landon smiles. “I think it’s a great idea. Layla should spend time with people other than us, and frankly it’s kind of embarrassing that we didn’t realize why the training wasn’t going well.”
“Agreed,” Milo says.
“Fine,” Jared huffs, and points a finger at Savannah. “But no telling her any of the jokes I’ve told you. I’m only allowed to tell her six a day and I’ve got an entire book to get through. Speaking of… Layla, why can’t you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom?”
I shrug, giggling. “Why?”
“Because the ‘p’ is silent,” he replies with a pearly grin.
Groans erupt around the table, but I chuckle. “Funny. Hey what did you say about only being allowed to tell me six jokes a day?”
Milo smacks him on the arm, hard. “Dumbass, the point is she wasn’t supposed to know.”
Looking sheepish, Jared explains, “I promised the guys I would limit myself to six jokes a day, so I don’t overwhelm you with them. Also, it forces me to have actual conversations instead of just telling strings of jokes.”
“Do you actually know that many?” I ask, amazed.
“I do,” he answers proudly. “One time I went three hours straight in a joke-off and the other guy eventually gave up. The winning joke was-”