Page 22 of Pack Dreams

Milo, apparently, does.

In another flurry of activity, more people join our table and introduce themselves to me excitedly. I’m swiftly overwhelmed with names in the face of my sudden popularity, and the day continues in the same vein. A small amount of unfriendly glances are sent my way, interspersed with waves of happy individuals who can’t wait to make my acquaintance. They all seem to know me, or at least know of me, and I can only conclude that some kind of word went around that the mayor’s niece moved back to Smoky Falls. None of them ping my intuition for deliberately misleading me, but the nagging feeling that I’m not getting the full story continues.

After his initial apparent screw up, Jared seems gun shy about putting his foot in his mouth again and barely says two words to me during English. Maxwell is picking me up promptly after class, and Jared escorts me to the front. My phone has been buzzing throughout class, but I have a feeling I know who it is and I’m not in the mood. I thank Jared for walking with me, and utter a low goodbye before I slide into the back of the dark-tinted car.

“Did you have a good day, Miss Layla?” Maxwell asks in a neutral voice as we drive away.

“I suppose so.” I really don’t know how to answer him, but it seems reasonably accurate.

Apparently that’s the extent of his interest, because he doesn’t follow up with any more questions and I volunteer nothing on the long, winding drive to Harridan House.



* * *

“We’re doingwhattonight?” my gaze flicks back and forth between Landon and Milo, sure I didn’t hear them right.

After a long week of learning my way around campus, always escorted by one of the three guys and often accompanied by more of our lunchtime crowd, I am looking forward to a quiet night in my castle like a proper princess, curled up in front of a roaring fire with a good book. Even though the weather has been warm in Smoky Falls, Harridan House is about twenty minutes up the mountain from town, and the temperature here always seems a good twenty degrees cooler. I’m already having fantasies about frolicking in the snow with furry woodland creatures and the leaves have barely begun to change.

So far today I’ve been schlubbing around the cool house in sweats. In Smoky Falls, my wardrobe leans decidedly on the ‘late summer’ side of my closet, although I haven’t been able to bring myself to bare my arms around my new friends. Even though I don’t mind the silvery scars, I know people will have tons of questions, and I just don’t want something else that sets me apart from my peers. Having to explain spending my teen years living on the streets and the subsequent attack left me sliced to ribbons is not high on my list of ‘want to share’.

However, the guys turned up at my doorstep, Mr. Carson let them in, and are now excitedly trying to drag me from the house in my sweatpants.

“It’s the first football game of the year! The Smoky Falls Wolves are hosting the Southtown Bears.”


“So, we have to go support Jared. He’s in the starting lineup.” Landon looks at me as if I’m crazy.

Okay, so I get that I’m supposed to be into supporting the school at sporting events because that is some kind of college experience. I’ve just never grown up in an environment that encouraged it, so organized sports are not something I’ve ever cared about.

“Is that a big deal?”

Landon gapes at me, but Milo smacks him in the arm and his jaw snaps shut.

“For a freshman to be on the starting lineup is a big deal,” Milo explains with a smile. “And it would be a big deal to Jared if you came to support him.”

“I dunno. I don’t think he really cares much about what I think.”

“Of course he cares! What makes you think he doesn’t?”

“He barely talks to me.” I shrug. “I text with you guys every day, but aside from when he sent me his number, I haven’t gotten another message from him.”

Milo and Landon exchange glances. “He’s… well, I wouldn’t say he’s shy,” Landon explains. “He’s definitely more difficult to get to know than either of us. But trust me, he likes you. He just needs time to warm up to you, is all.”

“Well, I’m not sure I’m particularly interested in chasing down some guy who’s not interested in getting to know me,” I sniff.

“I promise you that’s not the case.” Milo’s eyes bore into mine, radiating sincerity. “He’s just sensitive, and the truth is… he feels bad that he made you think Roxanne ordered us to hang out with you.”

“But we cleared all of that up?”

Landon snorts. “Yeah, well, Jared isn’t the type to get over that stuff easily. Once you get to know him, it’s impossible to shut him up, I swear. But it will mean a lot to him for you to come to the game. And we’ll have a good time, I promise. There’s junk food and the band plays and… well, you know.”

A worm of discomfort wriggles in my stomach. I don’t correct him, but I don’treallyknow. I’ve seen high school football games portrayed on tv. Surely some small community college game would be similar?

“Alright, fine, I’ll go. Let me get changed.”