Page 17 of Pack Dreams

I search for anything else, but there’s nothing more to recall.

My eyes grow heavy, and I settle back in the soft pillows, reminding myself I have to go to school tomorrow for the first time in four years, and staying up analyzing random dreams is probably not the best way to prepare.

Just as I’m nodding off, I swear I hear the howling of a wolf.

But it’s probably just a memory of my dream.

* * *


* * *

“Where is she? You’re sure she’s coming to this class first, right? She should be here by now.” Landon is on his tiptoes trying to spot Lex, even though he can see over about 90% of the student population flat-footed.

“Yes, this is her first class, dingus. Roxanne sent me her schedule to make sure it matches up with ours. Dom doesn’t want anyone messing with her on the first day. The alpha order will stop them from saying anything about our wolves, but he can’t actually order people to be nice to her. And you know how it’s probably going to go.”

Landon’s worried expression hardens. “Yeah, I know. I just… should we have met her at the door? How is she getting here, anyway? Are we sure she can find her way here?”

“Maxwell is driving her and it’s a straight shot from the front door, man. She isn’t a moron, she can figure it out.” Despite my reassurances to Landon, I can feel the tension running through my body. I consciously relax my fists and draw in a deep breath. “We’re supposed to help her find her way around and make her comfortable, Landon. Not stress her the fuck out. So chill, alright?”

He swipes a hand through his hair. “Alright, alright. I hear you. I just can’t help it. We’ve waited so long, and then being around her Saturday-”

“I know, man, but you’ve gotta be chill or she’s not going towantto be around us. We don’t want to creep her out. We may know she’s our fated, butshedoesn’t know that yet.”

He pulls in a deep breath and breathes it out slowly. “You’re right. Okay. When does she meet Jared?”

“He doesn’t have morning classes on Monday, lucky asshole. So he’s going to meet us for lunch. He’s in her English Lit class this afternoon.”

“I can’t wait to see his face when he—oh, there she is, I see her!” He practically shouts and several people walking past stare at us.

“Dude, shut it. Be cool or I swear to god I’m going to kick your ass to the curb and you can try to be around her tomorrow.”

“I’m cool, alright?” Landon shoves his hands in his pockets and leans against the wall.

Finally, I can see her now. She’s tiny, but her wild dark hair gives her several inches of height and I could pick her out of a crowd easily. The sensation of electricity zipping across my skin grows stronger, alerting me to her presence. As if I didn’t already know.

Her gaze is down, focused on her phone screen as she pinches her fingers and widens them, clearly trying to zoom in on something. Likely a map of the school.

“Layla!” Landon shouts, waving his long-ass arms in the air and grinning like an idiot. “Layla, over here!”

I punch him in the ribs and he drops his arms, huffing out an “ow!”

But his stunt worked. It got her attention, and she’s heading our way with a tentative smile.

She’s obviously put a little effort into her appearance today. Even though her hair is still wild, she’s got some purple shadow on her lids and her pale complexion is even more dewy than Saturday. She also has a berry-colored lip gloss on that makes her mouth deliciously tempting. It’s warmer in town than at Harridan House, so she might find the cropped purple cardigan she’s paired with loose-fit jeans and converse is too warm later today.

I can’t wait to see what she’s got on under it.

“Hey Lex,” I give her my best ‘charming devil’ smile. “Nice to see you again.”

“Yeah, you guys too. Did you have a good weekend?” Her eyes dart to Landon, who’s grinning at her like a jackass.

I give him an elbow to the ribs so he knocks it off. “Yeah, it was okay. You?”

“Okay. I just hung out at the castle,” she snorts sarcastically. “Read a book. Nothing too exciting.”

“What book? Anything interesting?”