Page 61 of Pack Dreams

“No, that’s just make believe. But witches often use tools of pure origin—silver, gold, crystals and stones—in their spells. There were a few flecks of silver where the dagger nicked your ribs.”

A phantom pain squeezes my chest, and I feel my friend and mates wince around me.

“So you think it was a witch that attacked me?”

“We’re not sure. Some of the wounds on your arms seemed to come from something surgically sharp. Others were more jagged and curved, like claw marks. Like you had two attackers, or the person shifted mid attack and kept going. We didn’t really know, we just did our best to stabilize you and help you heal quickly.”

“So why would someone attack me, a random homeless girl on the street, with a witch’s knife and perhaps their wolf claws?” It didn’t need to be asked, but I still wanted to hear someone say it.

“To our best guess, they knew who you were. Perhaps it was someone from the Montrose Pack? We can’t say for certain. We just knew we had to get you out of there and back to the safety of pack lands.”

“If it was so urgent to get me back here, I wonder that it took my uncle a year to accomplish it.”

Roxanne shifted again. “That was actually my suggestion. I felt it was important for you to arrive healthy, on a same educational level with your peers, and with a few established relationships so you’d feel a sense of trust when you arrived and we could help you through the manifestation. If we’d brought you back here immediately, you would have shifted the first full moon after your attack. You would have been forced to take over the pack at seventeen without even a high school education. Knowing the dynamics that your uncle had been dealing with, I didn’t think you were ready to face that challenge. You’ve grown so much since we first met in that hospital room. I feel like I made the right decision.”

Of course she’s right. I was in no shape a year ago to deal with what I’m facing now. I’m barely in the right place to think about it at this point, let alone going through physical therapy and studying for my GED.

“I understand.” I nod in acknowledgment. “I don’t appreciate the deception, but I can see now you made the best decision you could.” With a heavy sigh, I release the resentment in earnest. She might not be telling me the full truth of everything, but she did answer all of my questions.

“So, what do we do now?” I turn to my friends and advisors.

“Now you keep training to face the challenge on the next full moon. You know Amber Jean-Yves will challenge you. It’s imperative that you’re prepared.”

“Yeah, we’re doing that, but if there’s someone out there who knew who I was and tried to kill me, now that I’ve surfaced again, they’re bound to attack again. For all we know, the person who attacked me is part of this pack, trying to end the Harridan line so their family could take over.”

Roxanne scoffs. “That’s not likely. Either way, you’re safe for now. Preparing for that dominance challenge should be the only thing on your mind.”

“Yeah, we’re working on it,” I growl through my teeth. “That’s why Savannah came over. We were fighting during wolf hour. The guys were helping me before, but Savannah said it would work better to fight a female, not my mates, and she was right.” I turned to her and smiled. “Do you think we can keep this up for the next week?”

She looks a little pale. “I dunno, Lalya, you’re untrained but powerful with killer instincts. I-”

“I should train you,” Roxanne interrupts.

“Why you?”

“Because I’m your beta. Aside from you, I’m the most powerful female in the pack. I will present a better challenge.

“Plus, if you defeat me, you will easily defeat Amber Jean-Yves.”



* * *

Once again, I know Roxanne is right. She has tricks up her sleeves that no one else will have, and if I want to turn into an unstoppable alpha in the six days remaining, I need to work with the best.

We agree that I’ll train with her the following night and say our goodbyes. I’m still not a hundred percent over all the deception, but I understand it was coming from a place of care for my wellbeing, so I’m trying to let it go.

By now it’s so late that I feel bad kicking the guys out. Besides, I enjoy having them here. So Savannah and I give up our nest on the floor for the guys and clamber into my bed.

I drift off thinking how nice it is not to be alone anymore, and my mind briefly wonders if that’s a wolf pack thing too, or I’m just tired of being lonely.

The next morning we enjoy a lazy breakfast before everyone heads back to their respective homes. Every time the guys leave, I’m finding it a little more difficult to watch them go, and I secure their promise to return tonight before I let them leave.

If I thought I wanted back up for fighting Savannah, I know I need it to face Roxanne.

The afternoon passes quickly, and before I know it the guys are turning up just in time for dinner. We hang around the suite until it’s time to prepare for the shift.