Page 63 of The Poison Season

She nodded.

“Would it be strange if I said I feel like I’ve finally found it?”

A bloom of warmth spread in Leelo’s chest. She sat up a little and he did the same. “Why would that be strange?”

“We’ve only known each other for a short time.” He flushed and dropped his gaze. “I don’t want to say anything that might upset you or frighten you.”

She placed a finger under his chin and tipped it up so he would look at her. “I’m not frightened.”

“I feel like I know you, Leelo. Like I’ve always known you.”

“So do I.”

“And that doesn’t scare you? Not even a little?”

One side of her mouth curled in a grin. “Why? Are you scared of me?”

He laughed softly. “Terrified.”

She placed her hand in the center of his chest. “Your heartisbeating very fast.” She traced his lips with the fingers of her other hand. “Hmm...even faster, now.” She leaned forward, feeling bold, and kissed him exactly where her fingers had been. “It’s really racing. Perhaps you need to—”

He cut her off with a playful growl, pulling her toward him to kiss her firmly. When he placed a tentative hand over her heart, she bit back a gasp.

“Is this okay?” he asked softly.

She nodded, and his touch became less hesitant. In just a short time, they were learning to read each other. She wondered what it must be like to have a lifetime with someone, if eventually you didn’t even need to speak to communicate. Or maybe, she thought, it had nothing to do with time. Maybe with the right person, you just knew.

In the distance, a bird called, and Leelo forced her mind back to reality. She pulled away from him and took a deep breath. “I could get lost in you,” she whispered, and for a moment, shewasafraid. She remembered what her mother had said, that it wasn’t the falling that killed you. Leelo was undeniably falling for Jaren, and while in the moment it was wonderful to experience all these new feelings, she knew it wouldn’t last.

The fall would end, and what would be left of her then? A broken heart amid a pile of shattered bones?

“That’s funny,” Jaren said, twirling a strand of her hair around his finger. “I feel like I’m finally found.”

And for the moment, Leelo forgot to be afraid.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

The next few days passed in relative peace for Leelo’s household, although on the inside she felt as though she were scrambled up, every part of her vibrating and alive in a way she didn’t recognize. She wasn’t sure how no one else in her family noticed. It was a wonder she didn’t come apart at the seams, sending all those jumbled-up feelings exploding out of her like a flock of startled birds.

Sage was back to her grumpy old self, but at least she wasn’t lying in bed all day or clinging to Leelo. She had recovered some of her focus, which meant she was taking Watcher duty seriously again. Every now and then, doubt or worry would flicker over Sage’s face, but Leelo could see the wheels turn in her cousin’s head, how she brought herself back to the present moment by shutting everything out other than what they were doing. It made her particularly critical of Leelo, but Sage must have assumed that she was thinking about Tate, because she never questioned her.

Miraculously, Fiona seemed to be growing stronger by the day, and Ketty was more cheerful than Leelo could ever remember her being. Of course, she had everything she had ever wanted. Tate was gone, and Sage was engaged to a boy who would provide them with the kind of security they’d been lacking since Kellan and Hugo died. The Hardings were helping sheer the sheep this year, a task that was almost impossible for Ketty to accomplish without Fiona.

Leelo had been hoping to visit Jaren this afternoon, since they’d been on early Watcher duty and she had only been able to see him briefly the past few days, but, to everyone’s surprise, Ketty had proposed a picnic. The weather was perfect, and they were caught up on all the housework for the first time in memory. Leelo hadn’t realized how much they’d all taken on to account for Fiona’s illness. Before, she’d only been able to knit in bed or by the fire, which did help the family financially. But now she was also gardening and cleaning, which gave Leelo and Sage a little more time to themselves.

But as much as she wanted to see Jaren—her thoughts had been on little else since their last meeting, and she found herself flushing at memories in the middle of meals or Watcher duty—she had to admit it was nice that Fiona and Ketty were getting along so well. Fiona was sitting back on her elbows, her face turned up to the sun, looking at peace for once, with no strained lines around her eyes and mouth from the constant pain.

As Ketty laid out their lunch, Sage went to fetch some water from a nearby stream. Leelo was sitting next to her mother, braiding wild daisies into a chain and trying not to remember bathing with Jaren, when Ketty poked her in the arm.

“Now that your cousin is engaged to Hollis, it’s time for you to start thinking about your prospects.”

Leelo blinked and turned her attention to her aunt, hoping she would attribute the color in her cheeks to the sun.

“You can’t be surprised. You’ll be eighteen soon, and you know how badly we need help around the house.”

“But surely with the Hardings...” She looked at her mother imploringly.

“There’s no rush,” Mama assured her. “Although of course we’d all like to see you happily settled someday.” She tucked a wayward daisy behind Leelo’s ear and smiled. “That’s what I want more than anything, my love.”