Page 13 of Bratva Kingpin

“Don’t give me that look, as if having my daughter around will be such a hardship. I know the life men like you lead. You don’t realize it yet, but I just brought a priceless gift into your house. You need to be around sunshine, not rain clouds.”

Sunshine? My life was one big stormy cloud. I hadn’t felt a ray of light on my soul for ages. Nothing, no one could change that. Certainly not an innocent, smart-mouthed girl.

After a nod she left the room, leaving me alone with Viking.

He shook his head. “What the fuck were you thinking? Giving a blood vow to protect some girl?”

“Don’t worry, she won’t be staying long.”

“She won’t?” He looked skeptical.

Of course not. No mother in her right mind would leave her child with me indefinitely. It would be like leaving a kitten on hell’s doorstep. All my world would do, allIcould do, was to corrupt her.



Kristoff Romanov was intense. And probably slightly unhinged. I could still feel the heat of his fingers clutching my wrist. There’d been a darkness swirling in his eyes that had scared me. I saw right through him; whatever dark thoughts he had, they were neatly locked up inside a bottle, like a genie. He held a tornado inside. I could tell, because I’d felt the same for ages. When your ‘home’ was divided between your house and a hospital room, any joy, or spontaneity wilted away like a flower exposed to the sun for too long without water. There was one difference between us though. I had smashed my bottle. My spirit was finally free, ready to rejoice, enjoy, and experience life. There was no putting the genie back into its glass prison.

I stayed rooted to the spot after the white rose incident for a minute until I decided that he could go screw himself. I wasn’t putting up with it. Whatever his deal was, it was just that,hisdeal, not mine. The gloom and doom that hung over this mansion wasn’t mine either, nor did I want to experience it any longer. I went in search of my mom.

She was in the living room, standing before the French doors.

“Katya, there you are.”

I hurried to my mom. “I can’t wait to leave this place. This Kristoff guy you’ve pinned your hopes on? He’s crazy.”

Her eyes widened. “Has he hurt you?”

I could practically see the mother bear in her rise to the surface. “No,” I admitted and showed her my scarred palm. “But he freaked out just because I cut some roses for his dog’s grave.”

“White roses?” she asked softly.

“Yeah. How did you know?”

Her eyes took on a sad look. “It’s not my story to share. Maybe one day he’ll tell you himself.”

One day? How long exactly were we going to stay here? “You’re not leaving me behind, right?” I joked.

My mom gestured to the uncomfortable-looking leather couch. When we both sat, she grabbed my hand. “I’m leaving in an hour.”

“Where are we going?” Wasn’t the whole point of us coming here to ask for Kristoff’s help?

“I’m going to the police.”

I frowned. “I thought you said Ted had friends at—”

“He does,” she interrupted me. “That’s why I’m going to a friend who can help me.” She took a deep breath. “You’re staying here.”

I jumped up. “No, I’m not.”

She grabbed my arm and pulled me to her. “Listen to me carefully. You need to stay here. Stay strong for me.”


She cradled my face. “Nothing can scare my girl,” she boasted in typical mom fashion. “Remember that poster beside your bed of that rock star? The one with the quote on it? It started something like ‘Be yourself, don’t take anyone’s shit.’”

“And never let them take you alive,” I finished for her.